def write_mslice(cell: HasAtomCell, f: BinaryFileOrPath, template: t.Optional[MSliceFile] = None, *,
slice_thickness: t.Optional[float] = None, # angstrom
scan_points: t.Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
scan_extent: t.Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
noise_sigma: t.Optional[float] = None, # angstrom
conv_angle: t.Optional[float] = None, # mrad
energy: t.Optional[float] = None, # keV
defocus: t.Optional[float] = None, # angstrom
tilt: t.Optional[t.Tuple[float, float]] = None, # (mrad, mrad)
tds: t.Optional[bool] = None,
n_cells: t.Optional[ArrayLike] = None):
Write a structure to an mslice file. The structure must be orthogonal and aligned
with the local coordinate system. It should be periodic in X and Y.
``template`` may be a file, path, or ElementTree containing an existing mslice file.
Its structure will be modified to make the final output. If not specified, a default
template will be used.
Additional options modify simulation properties. If an option is not specified, the
template's properties are used.
#if not issubclass(type(cell), HasAtomCell):
# raise TypeError("mslice format requires an AtomCell.")
if not cell.is_orthogonal_in_local():
raise ValueError("mslice requires an orthogonal AtomCell.")
if not numpy.all(cell.pbc[:2]):
warn("AtomCell may not be periodic", UserWarning, stacklevel=2)
box_size = cell._box_size_in_local()
# get atoms in local frame (which we verified aligns with the cell's axes)
# then scale into fractional coordinates
atoms = cell.get_atoms('linear') \
.transform(AffineTransform3D.scale(1/box_size)) \
out: ElementTree
if template is None:
out = default_template()
elif not isinstance(template, ElementTree):
with open_file(template, 'r') as temp:
out = et.parse(temp, None)
out = deepcopy(template)
# TODO clean up this code
db: t.Optional[Element] = out.getroot() if out.getroot().tag == 'database' else out.find("./database", None)
if db is None:
raise ValueError("Couldn't find 'database' tag in template.")
struct = db.find(".//object[@type='STRUCTURE']", None)
if struct is None:
raise ValueError("Couldn't find STRUCTURE object in template.")
params = db.find(".//object[@type='SIMPARAMETERS']", None)
if params is None:
raise ValueError("Couldn't find SIMPARAMETERS object in template.")
microscope = db.find(".//object[@type='MICROSCOPE']", None)
if microscope is None:
raise ValueError("Couldn't find MICROSCOPE object in template.")
scan = db.find(".//object[@type='SCAN']", None)
aberrations = db.findall(".//object[@type='ABERRATION']", None)
def set_attr(struct: Element, name: str, type: str, val: str):
node = t.cast(t.Optional[Element], struct.find(f".//attribute[@name='{name}']", None))
if node is None:
node = t.cast(Element, et.Element('attribute', dict(name=name, type=type), None))
node.attrib['type'] = type
node.text = val # type: ignore
def parse_xml_object(obj: Element) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
"""Parse the attributes of a passed XML object."""
params = {}
for attr in obj.iterchildren(None):
if attr.tag == 'attribute':
params[attr.attrib['name']] = convert_xml_value(attr.text, attr.attrib['type'])
elif attr.tag == 'relationship':
# todo give this a better API
if 'idrefs' in attr.attrib:
params[f"{attr.attrib['name']}ID"] = attr.attrib['idrefs']
return params
# TODO how to store atoms in unexploded form
(n_a, n_b, n_c) = map(str, (1, 1, 1) if n_cells is None else numpy.asarray(n_cells).astype(int))
set_attr(struct, 'repeata', 'int16', n_a)
set_attr(struct, 'repeatb', 'int16', n_b)
set_attr(struct, 'repeatc', 'int16', n_c)
(a, b, c) = map(lambda v: f"{v:.8g}", box_size)
set_attr(struct, 'aparam', 'float', a)
set_attr(struct, 'bparam', 'float', b)
set_attr(struct, 'cparam', 'float', c)
if tilt is not None:
(tiltx, tilty) = tilt
set_attr(struct, 'tiltx', 'float', f"{tiltx:.4g}")
set_attr(struct, 'tilty', 'float', f"{tilty:.4g}")
if slice_thickness is not None:
set_attr(params, 'slicethickness', 'float', f"{float(slice_thickness):.8g}")
if tds is not None:
set_attr(params, 'includetds', 'bool', str(int(bool(tds))))
if conv_angle is not None:
set_attr(microscope, 'aperture', 'float', f"{float(conv_angle):.8g}")
if energy is not None:
set_attr(microscope, 'kv', 'float', f"{float(energy):.8g}")
if noise_sigma is not None:
if scan is None:
raise ValueError("New scan specification required for 'noise_sigma'.")
set_attr(scan, 'noise_sigma', 'float', f"{float(noise_sigma):.8g}")
if defocus is not None:
for aberration in aberrations:
obj = parse_xml_object(aberration)
if obj['n'] == 1 and obj['m'] == 0:
set_attr(aberration, 'cnma', 'float', f"{float(defocus):.8g}") # A, + is over
set_attr(aberration, 'cnmb', 'float', "0.0")
raise ValueError("Couldn't find defocus aberration to modify.")
if scan_points is not None:
(nx, ny) = numpy.broadcast_to(scan_points, 2,).astype(int)
if scan is not None:
set_attr(scan, 'nx', 'int16', str(nx))
set_attr(scan, 'ny', 'int16', str(ny))
set_attr(params, 'numscanx', 'int16', str(nx))
set_attr(params, 'numscany', 'int16', str(ny))
if scan_extent is not None:
scan_extent = numpy.asarray(scan_extent, dtype=float)
if scan_extent.ndim < 2:
if not scan_extent.shape == (4,):
scan_extent = numpy.broadcast_to(scan_extent, (2,))
scan_extent = numpy.stack(((0., 0.), scan_extent), axis=-1)
scan_extent = numpy.broadcast_to(scan_extent, (2, 2))
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid scan_extent '{scan_extent}'. Expected an array of shape (2,), (4,), or (2, 2).") from e
if scan is not None:
names = ('x_i', 'x_f', 'y_i', 'y_f')
elem = scan
names = ('intx', 'finx', 'inty', 'finy')
elem = params
for (name, val) in zip(names, scan_extent.ravel()):
set_attr(elem, name, 'float', f"{float(val):.8g}")
# remove existing atoms
for elem in db.findall("./object[@type='STRUCTUREATOM']", None):
# <u^2> -> 1d sigma
atoms = atoms.with_wobble((polars.col('wobble') / 3.).sqrt())
rows ='elem', 'coords', 'wobble', 'frac_occupancy')).rows()
for (i, (elem, (x, y, z), wobble, frac_occupancy)) in enumerate(rows):
e = _atom_elem(i, elem, x, y, z, wobble, frac_occupancy)
et.indent(db, space=" ", level=0) # type: ignore
with open_file_binary(f, 'w') as f:
doctype = b"""<!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM "file:///System/Library/DTDs/CoreData.dtd">\n"""
out.write(f, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True, standalone=True, doctype=doctype) # type: ignore