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IO for LAAMPS data files, as described here.

LMP dataclass

Source code in atomlib/io/
class LMP:
    comment: t.Optional[str]
    headers: t.Dict[str, t.Any]
    sections: t.Tuple[LMPSection, ...]

    def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
        dims = numpy.array([
            self.headers.get(f"{c}lo {c}hi", (-0.5, 0.5))
            for c in "xyz"
        origin = dims[:, 0]
        tilts = self.headers.get("xy xz yz", (0., 0., 0.))

        ortho = numpy.diag(dims[:, 1] - dims[:, 0])
        (ortho[0, 1], ortho[0, 2], ortho[1, 2]) = tilts

        return Cell.from_ortho(LinearTransform3D(ortho).translate(origin))

    def get_atoms(self, type_map: t.Optional[t.Dict[int, t.Union[str, int]]] = None) -> AtomCell:
        if type_map is not None:
                type_map_df = polars.DataFrame({
                    'type': polars.Series(type_map.keys(), dtype=polars.Int32),
                    'elem': polars.Series(list(map(get_elem, type_map.values())), dtype=polars.UInt8),
                    'symbol': polars.Series([get_sym(v) if isinstance(v, int) else v for v in type_map.values()], dtype=polars.Utf8),
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError("Invalid type map") from e
            type_map_df = None

        cell = self.get_cell()

        def _apply_type_labels(df: polars.DataFrame, section_name: str, labels: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None) -> polars.DataFrame:
            if labels is not None:
                #df = df.with_columns(polars.col('type').replace(d, default=polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32, strict=False), return_dtype=polars.Int32))
                df = df.with_columns(polars.col('type').replace_strict(labels['symbol'], labels['type'], default=polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32, strict=False), return_dtype=polars.Int32))
                if df['type'].is_null().any():
                    raise ValueError(f"While parsing section {section_name}: Unknown atom label or invalid atom type")
                return df.with_columns(polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32))
            except polars.ComputeError:
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing section {section_name}: Invalid atom type(s)")

        atoms: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
        labels: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
        masses: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
        velocities = None

        for section in self.sections:
            start_line = section.start_line + 1

            if == 'Atoms':
                if not in (None, 'atomic'):
                    # TODO support other styles
                    raise ValueError(f"Only 'atomic' atom_style is supported, instead got '{}'")

                atoms = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {
                    'i': polars.Int64, 'type': polars.Utf8,
                    'coords': polars.Array(polars.Float64, 3),
                }, start_line=start_line)
                atoms = _apply_type_labels(atoms, 'Atoms', labels)
            elif == 'Atom Type Labels':
                labels = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {'type': polars.Int32, 'symbol': polars.Utf8}, start_line=start_line)
            elif == 'Masses':
                masses = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {'type': polars.Utf8, 'mass': polars.Float64}, start_line=start_line)
                masses = _apply_type_labels(masses, 'Masses', labels)
            elif == 'Velocities':
                velocities = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {
                    'i': polars.Int64, 'velocity': polars.Array(polars.Float64, 3),
                }, start_line=start_line)

        # now all 'type's should be in Int32

        if atoms is None:
            if self.headers['atoms'] > 0:
                raise ValueError("Missing required section 'Atoms'")
            return AtomCell(Atoms.empty(), cell=cell, frame='local')

        # next we need to assign element symbols
        # first, if type_map is specified, use that:
        #if type_map_elem is not None and type_map_sym is not None:
        if type_map_df is not None:
                atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, type_map_df, on='type')
            except CheckedJoinError as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Missing type_map specification for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")
        elif labels is not None:
                labels = labels.with_columns(get_elem(labels['symbol']))
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError("Failed to auto-detect elements from type labels. Please pass 'type_map' explicitly") from e
                atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, labels, 'type')
            except CheckedJoinError as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Missing labels for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")
        # otherwise we have no way
            raise ValueError("Failed to auto-detect elements from type labels. Please pass 'type_map' explicitly")

        if velocities is not None:
            # join velocities
                # TODO use join_asof here?
                atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, velocities, 'i')
            except CheckedJoinError as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Missing velocities for {len(e.missing_keys)}/{len(atoms)} atoms")

        if masses is not None:
            # join masses
                atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, masses, 'type')
            except CheckedJoinError as e:
                raise ValueError(f"Missing masses for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")

        return AtomCell(atoms, cell=cell, frame='local')

    def from_atoms(atoms: HasAtoms) -> LMP:
        if isinstance(atoms, HasAtomCell):
            # we're basically converting everything to the ortho frame, but including the affine shift

            # transform affine shift into ortho frame
            origin = atoms.get_transform('ortho', 'local').to_linear().round_near_zero() \

            # get the orthogonalization transform only, without affine
            ortho = atoms.get_transform('ortho', 'cell_box').to_linear().round_near_zero().inner

            # get atoms in ortho frame, and then add the affine shift
            frame = atoms.get_atoms('ortho').transform_atoms(AffineTransform3D.translate(origin)) \
            bbox = atoms.bbox_atoms()
            ortho = numpy.diag(bbox.size)
            origin = bbox.min

            frame = atoms.get_atoms('local').with_type()

        types = frame.unique(subset='type')
        types = types.with_mass().sort('type')

        now = localtime()
        comment = f"# Generated by atomlib on {now.isoformat(' ', 'seconds')}"

        headers = {}
        sections = []

        headers['atoms'] = len(frame)
        headers['atom types'] = len(types)

        for (s, low, diff) in zip(('x', 'y', 'z'), origin, ortho.diagonal()):
            headers[f"{s}lo {s}hi"] = (low, low + diff)

        headers['xy xz yz'] = (ortho[0, 1], ortho[0, 2], ortho[1, 2])

        body = [
            f" {ty:8} {sym:>4}\n"
            for (ty, sym) in'type', 'symbol').rows()
        sections.append(LMPSection("Atom Type Labels", tuple(body)))

        if 'mass' in types:
            body = [
                f" {ty:8} {mass:14.7f}  # {sym}\n"
                for (ty, sym, mass) in'type', 'symbol', 'mass')).rows()
            sections.append(LMPSection("Masses", tuple(body)))

        body = [
            f" {i+1:8} {ty:4} {x:14.7f} {y:14.7f} {z:14.7f}\n"
            for (i, (ty, (x, y, z))) in enumerate('type', 'coords')).rows())
        sections.append(LMPSection("Atoms", tuple(body), 'atomic'))

        if (velocities := frame.velocities()) is not None:
            body = [
                f" {i+1:8} {v_x:14.7f} {v_y:14.7f} {v_z:14.7f}\n"
                for (i, (v_x, v_y, v_z)) in enumerate(velocities)
            sections.append(LMPSection("Velocities", tuple(body)))

        return LMP(comment, headers, tuple(sections))

    def from_file(file: FileOrPath) -> LMP:
        with open_file(file, 'r') as f:
            return LMPReader(f).parse()

    def write(self, file: FileOrPath):
        with open_file(file, 'w') as f:
            print((self.comment or "") + '\n', file=f)

            # print headers
            for (name, val) in self.headers.items():
                val = _HEADER_FMT.get(name, lambda s: f"{s:8}")(val)
                print(f" {val} {name}", file=f)

            # print sections
            for section in self.sections:
                line =
                if is not None:
                    line += f'  # {}'
                print(f"\n{line}\n", file=f)


comment instance-attribute

comment: Optional[str]

headers instance-attribute

headers: Dict[str, Any]

sections instance-attribute

sections: Tuple[LMPSection, ...]


get_cell() -> Cell
Source code in atomlib/io/
def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
    dims = numpy.array([
        self.headers.get(f"{c}lo {c}hi", (-0.5, 0.5))
        for c in "xyz"
    origin = dims[:, 0]
    tilts = self.headers.get("xy xz yz", (0., 0., 0.))

    ortho = numpy.diag(dims[:, 1] - dims[:, 0])
    (ortho[0, 1], ortho[0, 2], ortho[1, 2]) = tilts

    return Cell.from_ortho(LinearTransform3D(ortho).translate(origin))


    type_map: Optional[Dict[int, Union[str, int]]] = None
) -> AtomCell
Source code in atomlib/io/
def get_atoms(self, type_map: t.Optional[t.Dict[int, t.Union[str, int]]] = None) -> AtomCell:
    if type_map is not None:
            type_map_df = polars.DataFrame({
                'type': polars.Series(type_map.keys(), dtype=polars.Int32),
                'elem': polars.Series(list(map(get_elem, type_map.values())), dtype=polars.UInt8),
                'symbol': polars.Series([get_sym(v) if isinstance(v, int) else v for v in type_map.values()], dtype=polars.Utf8),
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type map") from e
        type_map_df = None

    cell = self.get_cell()

    def _apply_type_labels(df: polars.DataFrame, section_name: str, labels: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None) -> polars.DataFrame:
        if labels is not None:
            #df = df.with_columns(polars.col('type').replace(d, default=polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32, strict=False), return_dtype=polars.Int32))
            df = df.with_columns(polars.col('type').replace_strict(labels['symbol'], labels['type'], default=polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32, strict=False), return_dtype=polars.Int32))
            if df['type'].is_null().any():
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing section {section_name}: Unknown atom label or invalid atom type")
            return df.with_columns(polars.col('type').cast(polars.Int32))
        except polars.ComputeError:
            raise ValueError(f"While parsing section {section_name}: Invalid atom type(s)")

    atoms: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
    labels: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
    masses: t.Optional[polars.DataFrame] = None
    velocities = None

    for section in self.sections:
        start_line = section.start_line + 1

        if == 'Atoms':
            if not in (None, 'atomic'):
                # TODO support other styles
                raise ValueError(f"Only 'atomic' atom_style is supported, instead got '{}'")

            atoms = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {
                'i': polars.Int64, 'type': polars.Utf8,
                'coords': polars.Array(polars.Float64, 3),
            }, start_line=start_line)
            atoms = _apply_type_labels(atoms, 'Atoms', labels)
        elif == 'Atom Type Labels':
            labels = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {'type': polars.Int32, 'symbol': polars.Utf8}, start_line=start_line)
        elif == 'Masses':
            masses = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {'type': polars.Utf8, 'mass': polars.Float64}, start_line=start_line)
            masses = _apply_type_labels(masses, 'Masses', labels)
        elif == 'Velocities':
            velocities = parse_whitespace_separated(section.body, {
                'i': polars.Int64, 'velocity': polars.Array(polars.Float64, 3),
            }, start_line=start_line)

    # now all 'type's should be in Int32

    if atoms is None:
        if self.headers['atoms'] > 0:
            raise ValueError("Missing required section 'Atoms'")
        return AtomCell(Atoms.empty(), cell=cell, frame='local')

    # next we need to assign element symbols
    # first, if type_map is specified, use that:
    #if type_map_elem is not None and type_map_sym is not None:
    if type_map_df is not None:
            atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, type_map_df, on='type')
        except CheckedJoinError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Missing type_map specification for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")
    elif labels is not None:
            labels = labels.with_columns(get_elem(labels['symbol']))
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Failed to auto-detect elements from type labels. Please pass 'type_map' explicitly") from e
            atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, labels, 'type')
        except CheckedJoinError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Missing labels for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")
    # otherwise we have no way
        raise ValueError("Failed to auto-detect elements from type labels. Please pass 'type_map' explicitly")

    if velocities is not None:
        # join velocities
            # TODO use join_asof here?
            atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, velocities, 'i')
        except CheckedJoinError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Missing velocities for {len(e.missing_keys)}/{len(atoms)} atoms")

    if masses is not None:
        # join masses
            atoms = checked_left_join(atoms, masses, 'type')
        except CheckedJoinError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"Missing masses for atom type(s): {', '.join(map(repr, e.missing_keys))}")

    return AtomCell(atoms, cell=cell, frame='local')

from_atoms staticmethod

from_atoms(atoms: HasAtoms) -> LMP
Source code in atomlib/io/
def from_atoms(atoms: HasAtoms) -> LMP:
    if isinstance(atoms, HasAtomCell):
        # we're basically converting everything to the ortho frame, but including the affine shift

        # transform affine shift into ortho frame
        origin = atoms.get_transform('ortho', 'local').to_linear().round_near_zero() \

        # get the orthogonalization transform only, without affine
        ortho = atoms.get_transform('ortho', 'cell_box').to_linear().round_near_zero().inner

        # get atoms in ortho frame, and then add the affine shift
        frame = atoms.get_atoms('ortho').transform_atoms(AffineTransform3D.translate(origin)) \
        bbox = atoms.bbox_atoms()
        ortho = numpy.diag(bbox.size)
        origin = bbox.min

        frame = atoms.get_atoms('local').with_type()

    types = frame.unique(subset='type')
    types = types.with_mass().sort('type')

    now = localtime()
    comment = f"# Generated by atomlib on {now.isoformat(' ', 'seconds')}"

    headers = {}
    sections = []

    headers['atoms'] = len(frame)
    headers['atom types'] = len(types)

    for (s, low, diff) in zip(('x', 'y', 'z'), origin, ortho.diagonal()):
        headers[f"{s}lo {s}hi"] = (low, low + diff)

    headers['xy xz yz'] = (ortho[0, 1], ortho[0, 2], ortho[1, 2])

    body = [
        f" {ty:8} {sym:>4}\n"
        for (ty, sym) in'type', 'symbol').rows()
    sections.append(LMPSection("Atom Type Labels", tuple(body)))

    if 'mass' in types:
        body = [
            f" {ty:8} {mass:14.7f}  # {sym}\n"
            for (ty, sym, mass) in'type', 'symbol', 'mass')).rows()
        sections.append(LMPSection("Masses", tuple(body)))

    body = [
        f" {i+1:8} {ty:4} {x:14.7f} {y:14.7f} {z:14.7f}\n"
        for (i, (ty, (x, y, z))) in enumerate('type', 'coords')).rows())
    sections.append(LMPSection("Atoms", tuple(body), 'atomic'))

    if (velocities := frame.velocities()) is not None:
        body = [
            f" {i+1:8} {v_x:14.7f} {v_y:14.7f} {v_z:14.7f}\n"
            for (i, (v_x, v_y, v_z)) in enumerate(velocities)
        sections.append(LMPSection("Velocities", tuple(body)))

    return LMP(comment, headers, tuple(sections))

from_file staticmethod

from_file(file: FileOrPath) -> LMP
Source code in atomlib/io/
def from_file(file: FileOrPath) -> LMP:
    with open_file(file, 'r') as f:
        return LMPReader(f).parse()


write(file: FileOrPath)
Source code in atomlib/io/
def write(self, file: FileOrPath):
    with open_file(file, 'w') as f:
        print((self.comment or "") + '\n', file=f)

        # print headers
        for (name, val) in self.headers.items():
            val = _HEADER_FMT.get(name, lambda s: f"{s:8}")(val)
            print(f" {val} {name}", file=f)

        # print sections
        for section in self.sections:
            line =
            if is not None:
                line += f'  # {}'
            print(f"\n{line}\n", file=f)


LMPSection dataclass

Source code in atomlib/io/
class LMPSection:
    name: str
    body: t.Tuple[str, ...]
    style: t.Optional[str] = None
    start_line: int = 0

name instance-attribute

name: str

body instance-attribute

body: Tuple[str, ...]

style class-attribute instance-attribute

style: Optional[str] = None

start_line class-attribute instance-attribute

start_line: int = 0


Source code in atomlib/io/
class LMPReader:
    def __init__(self, f: TextIOBase):
        self.line = 0
        self._file: TextIOBase = f
        self._buf: t.Optional[str] = None

    def _split_comment(self, line: str) -> t.Tuple[str, t.Optional[str]]:
        split = _COMMENT_RE.split(line, maxsplit=1)
        return (split[0], split[1] if len(split) > 1 else None)

    def parse(self) -> LMP:
        # parse comment
        comment = self.next_line(skip_blank=False)
        if comment is None:
            raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF (file is blank)")
        if comment.isspace():
            comment = None
            comment = comment[:-1]

        headers = self.parse_headers()
        sections = self.parse_sections(headers)

        return LMP(comment, headers, sections)

    def parse_headers(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        headers: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
        while True:
            line = self.peek_line()
            if line is None:
            body = self._split_comment(line)[0]

            if (match := is None:
                # probably a body

            name = match[0]
            value = body[:match.start(0)].strip()

                if name in _HEADER_PARSE:
                    value = _HEADER_PARSE[name](value)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing header '{name}' at line {self.line}: Failed to parse value '{value}") from e

            #print(f"header {name} => {value} (type {type(value)})")
            headers[name] = value

        return headers

    def parse_sections(self, headers: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Tuple[LMPSection, ...]:
        first = True

        sections: t.List[LMPSection] = []

        while True:
            start_line = self.line
            line = self.next_line()
            if line is None:
            name, comment = self._split_comment(line)
            name = name.strip()

                n_lines_header = _SECTION_KWS[name]
            except KeyError:
                if first:
                    raise ValueError(f"While parsing line {self.line}: Unknown header or section keyword '{line}'") from None
                    raise ValueError(f"While parsing line {self.line}: Unknown section keyword '{line}'") from None

                if n_lines_header is None:
                    # special case for PairIJ Coeffs:
                    n = int(headers['atom types'])
                    n_lines = (n * (n + 1)) // 2
                    n_lines = int(headers[n_lines_header])
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing body section '{name}' at line {self.line}: "
                                 f"Missing required header '{n_lines_header or 'atom types'}'") from None

            style = comment if name in _SECTION_STYLE_KWS else None
            if style is not None:
                style = style.strip()

            #print(f"section '{name}' @ {self.line}, {n_lines} lines, style {style}")

            lines = self.collect_lines(n_lines)
            if lines is None:
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing body section '{name}' starting at line {self.line}: "
                                 f"Unexpected EOF before {n_lines} lines were read")

                name, tuple(lines), style, start_line
            first = False

        return tuple(sections)

    def _try_fill_buf(self, skip_blank: bool = True) -> t.Optional[str]:
        if self._buf is None:
                # skip blank lines
                while True:
                    self._buf = next(self._file)
                    self.line += 1
                    if not (skip_blank and self._buf.isspace()):
            except StopIteration:
        return self._buf

    def peek_line(self, skip_blank: bool = True) -> t.Optional[str]:
        return self._try_fill_buf(skip_blank)

    def next_line(self, skip_blank: bool = True) -> t.Optional[str]:
        line = self._try_fill_buf(skip_blank)
        self._buf = None
        return line

    def collect_lines(self, n: int) -> t.Optional[t.List[str]]:
        assert self._buf is None
        lines = []
            for _ in range(n):
                while True:
                    line = next(self._file)
                    if not line.isspace():
        except StopIteration:
            return None
        self.line += n
        return lines

line instance-attribute

line = 0


parse() -> LMP
Source code in atomlib/io/
def parse(self) -> LMP:
    # parse comment
    comment = self.next_line(skip_blank=False)
    if comment is None:
        raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF (file is blank)")
    if comment.isspace():
        comment = None
        comment = comment[:-1]

    headers = self.parse_headers()
    sections = self.parse_sections(headers)

    return LMP(comment, headers, sections)


parse_headers() -> Dict[str, Any]
Source code in atomlib/io/
def parse_headers(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    headers: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    while True:
        line = self.peek_line()
        if line is None:
        body = self._split_comment(line)[0]

        if (match := is None:
            # probably a body

        name = match[0]
        value = body[:match.start(0)].strip()

            if name in _HEADER_PARSE:
                value = _HEADER_PARSE[name](value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(f"While parsing header '{name}' at line {self.line}: Failed to parse value '{value}") from e

        #print(f"header {name} => {value} (type {type(value)})")
        headers[name] = value

    return headers


    headers: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Tuple[LMPSection, ...]
Source code in atomlib/io/
def parse_sections(self, headers: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> t.Tuple[LMPSection, ...]:
    first = True

    sections: t.List[LMPSection] = []

    while True:
        start_line = self.line
        line = self.next_line()
        if line is None:
        name, comment = self._split_comment(line)
        name = name.strip()

            n_lines_header = _SECTION_KWS[name]
        except KeyError:
            if first:
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing line {self.line}: Unknown header or section keyword '{line}'") from None
                raise ValueError(f"While parsing line {self.line}: Unknown section keyword '{line}'") from None

            if n_lines_header is None:
                # special case for PairIJ Coeffs:
                n = int(headers['atom types'])
                n_lines = (n * (n + 1)) // 2
                n_lines = int(headers[n_lines_header])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f"While parsing body section '{name}' at line {self.line}: "
                             f"Missing required header '{n_lines_header or 'atom types'}'") from None

        style = comment if name in _SECTION_STYLE_KWS else None
        if style is not None:
            style = style.strip()

        #print(f"section '{name}' @ {self.line}, {n_lines} lines, style {style}")

        lines = self.collect_lines(n_lines)
        if lines is None:
            raise ValueError(f"While parsing body section '{name}' starting at line {self.line}: "
                             f"Unexpected EOF before {n_lines} lines were read")

            name, tuple(lines), style, start_line
        first = False

    return tuple(sections)


peek_line(skip_blank: bool = True) -> Optional[str]
Source code in atomlib/io/
def peek_line(self, skip_blank: bool = True) -> t.Optional[str]:
    return self._try_fill_buf(skip_blank)


next_line(skip_blank: bool = True) -> Optional[str]
Source code in atomlib/io/
def next_line(self, skip_blank: bool = True) -> t.Optional[str]:
    line = self._try_fill_buf(skip_blank)
    self._buf = None
    return line


collect_lines(n: int) -> Optional[List[str]]
Source code in atomlib/io/
def collect_lines(self, n: int) -> t.Optional[t.List[str]]:
    assert self._buf is None
    lines = []
        for _ in range(n):
            while True:
                line = next(self._file)
                if not line.isspace():
    except StopIteration:
        return None
    self.line += n
    return lines


write_lmp(atoms: HasAtoms, f: FileOrPath)
Source code in atomlib/io/
def write_lmp(atoms: HasAtoms, f: FileOrPath):