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ELEMENTS module-attribute

    "h": 1,
    "he": 2,
    "li": 3,
    "be": 4,
    "b": 5,
    "c": 6,
    "n": 7,
    "o": 8,
    "f": 9,
    "ne": 10,
    "na": 11,
    "mg": 12,
    "al": 13,
    "si": 14,
    "p": 15,
    "s": 16,
    "cl": 17,
    "ar": 18,
    "k": 19,
    "ca": 20,
    "sc": 21,
    "ti": 22,
    "v": 23,
    "cr": 24,
    "mn": 25,
    "fe": 26,
    "co": 27,
    "ni": 28,
    "cu": 29,
    "zn": 30,
    "ga": 31,
    "ge": 32,
    "as": 33,
    "se": 34,
    "br": 35,
    "kr": 36,
    "rb": 37,
    "sr": 38,
    "y": 39,
    "zr": 40,
    "nb": 41,
    "mo": 42,
    "tc": 43,
    "ru": 44,
    "rh": 45,
    "pd": 46,
    "ag": 47,
    "cd": 48,
    "in": 49,
    "sn": 50,
    "sb": 51,
    "te": 52,
    "i": 53,
    "xe": 54,
    "cs": 55,
    "ba": 56,
    "la": 57,
    "ce": 58,
    "pr": 59,
    "nd": 60,
    "pm": 61,
    "sm": 62,
    "eu": 63,
    "gd": 64,
    "tb": 65,
    "dy": 66,
    "ho": 67,
    "er": 68,
    "tm": 69,
    "yb": 70,
    "lu": 71,
    "hf": 72,
    "ta": 73,
    "w": 74,
    "re": 75,
    "os": 76,
    "ir": 77,
    "pt": 78,
    "au": 79,
    "hg": 80,
    "tl": 81,
    "pb": 82,
    "bi": 83,
    "po": 84,
    "at": 85,
    "rn": 86,
    "fr": 87,
    "ra": 88,
    "ac": 89,
    "th": 90,
    "pa": 91,
    "u": 92,
    "np": 93,
    "pu": 94,
    "am": 95,
    "cm": 96,
    "bk": 97,
    "cf": 98,
    "es": 99,
    "fm": 100,
    "md": 101,
    "no": 102,
    "lr": 103,
    "rf": 104,
    "db": 105,
    "sg": 106,
    "bh": 107,
    "hs": 108,
    "mt": 109,
    "ds": 110,
    "rg": 111,
    "cn": 112,
    "nh": 113,
    "fl": 114,
    "mc": 115,
    "lv": 116,
    "ts": 117,
    "og": 118,

ELEMENT_SYMBOLS module-attribute


DATA_PATH module-attribute

DATA_PATH = files('')


get_elem(sym: ElemLike) -> int
get_elem(sym: Series) -> Series
get_elem(sym: Union[int, str, Series])

Get the atomic number corresponding to a given symbol.


>>> get_elem("Gd")
>>> get_elem(polars.Series(["Gd", "Ce", "O"]))
shape: (3,)
Series: 'elem' [i8]
Source code in atomlib/
def get_elem(sym: t.Union[int, str, polars.Series]):
    Get the atomic number corresponding to a given symbol.

    # Examples
    >>> get_elem("Gd")
    >>> get_elem(polars.Series(["Gd", "Ce", "O"]))
    shape: (3,)
    Series: 'elem' [i8]

    if isinstance(sym, int):
        if not 0 < sym < len(ELEMENTS):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid atomic number {sym}")
        return sym

    if isinstance(sym, polars.Series):
        # TODO: this is a mess
        elem = sym.cast(polars.Utf8).str.extract(_SYM_RE, 0).str.to_lowercase() \
                old=list(ELEMENTS.keys()), new=list(ELEMENTS.values()),
                default=None, return_dtype=polars.Int8

        if (invalid := sym.filter(sym.is_not_null() & elem.is_null()).to_list()):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid element symbol(s) '{', '.join(map(str, invalid))}'")

        return elem

    sym_s =, str(sym))
        return ELEMENTS[sym_s[0].lower()]  # type: ignore
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid element symbol '{sym}'")


get_elems(sym: ElemsLike) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]

Get the elements and quantities corresponding to a formula unit.


>>> get_elems("AlN")
[(13, 1.0), (7, 1.0)]
>>> get_elems("Al0.93Sc0.07N")
[(13, 0.93), (21, 0.07), (7, 1.0)]
Source code in atomlib/
def get_elems(sym: ElemsLike) -> t.List[t.Tuple[int, float]]:
    Get the elements and quantities corresponding to a formula unit.

    # Examples
    >>> get_elems("AlN")
    [(13, 1.0), (7, 1.0)]
    >>> get_elems("Al0.93Sc0.07N")
    [(13, 0.93), (21, 0.07), (7, 1.0)]

    if not isinstance(sym, str):
        if isinstance(sym, int):
            return [(sym, 1.0)]
        return [
            (get_elem(v[0]), float(v[1]))  # type: ignore
                if (hasattr(v, '__len__') and not isinstance(v, str))
                else (get_elem(v), 1.)  # type: ignore
            for v in sym

    if len(sym) > 0:
        sym = sym[0].upper() + sym[1:]
    segments = [
        (match[1], match[2]) for match in re.finditer(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)([0-9\.]*[+-]?)', str(sym))
    if len(segments) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid compound '{sym}'")

    elems = [ELEMENTS.get(seg[0].lower()) for seg in segments]

    out = []
    for ((elem_sym, num), elem) in zip(segments, elems):
        if elem is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown element '{elem_sym}' in '{sym}'. Compounds are case-sensitive.")

            num = float(num) if len(num) and num[-1] not in ('+', '-') else 1.
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown occupancy '{num}' for elem '{elem_sym}' in compound '{sym}'")

        out.append((elem, num))

    return out


get_sym(elem: int) -> str
get_sym(elem: Series) -> Series
get_sym(elem: Union[int, Series])

Get the symbol corresponding to an atomic number.


>>> get_sym(5)
Source code in atomlib/
def get_sym(elem: t.Union[int, polars.Series]):
    Get the symbol corresponding to an atomic number.

    # Examples
    >>> get_sym(5)
    if isinstance(elem, polars.Series):
        sym = elem.cast(polars.Int64).replace_strict(
            list(range(1, len(ELEMENT_SYMBOLS)+1)),

        if (invalid := elem.filter(elem.is_not_null() & sym.is_null()).unique().to_list()):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid atomic number(s) {', '.join(map(str, invalid))}")

        return sym

    return _get_sym(elem)


get_mass(elem: int) -> float
get_mass(elem: Series) -> Series
get_mass(elem: Union[ndarray, Sequence[int]]) -> ndarray
get_mass(elem: Union[int, Sequence[int], ndarray, Series])

Get the standard atomic mass for the given element. Follows the 2021 IUPAC definitions [1].

[1] 2021 table of the IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights

Source code in atomlib/
def get_mass(elem: t.Union[int, t.Sequence[int], numpy.ndarray, polars.Series]):
    Get the standard atomic mass for the given element.
    Follows the 2021 IUPAC definitions [1].

    [1] 2021 table of the IUPAC Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights <>
    global _ELEMENT_MASSES

    if _ELEMENT_MASSES is None:
        with _open_binary_data('masses.npy') as f:
            _ELEMENT_MASSES = numpy.load(f, allow_pickle=False)

    if isinstance(elem, polars.Series):
        return polars.Series(values=_ELEMENT_MASSES)[elem-1]

    if isinstance(elem, (int, numpy.ndarray)):
        return _ELEMENT_MASSES[elem-1]  # type: ignore
    return _ELEMENT_MASSES[[e-1 for e in elem]]  # type: ignore


get_ionic_radius(elem: int, charge: int) -> float

Get crystal ionic radius in angstroms for elem in charge state charge. Follows the values in [2].

[2] R.D. Shannon, Acta Cryst. A32 (1976)

Source code in atomlib/
def get_ionic_radius(elem: int, charge: int) -> float:
    Get crystal ionic radius in angstroms for `elem` in charge state `charge`.
    Follows the values in [2].

    [2] R.D. Shannon, Acta Cryst. A32 (1976) <>
    global _ION_RADII

    import json

    if _ION_RADII is None:
        with _open_text_data('ion_radii.json') as f:
            _ION_RADII = json.load(f)
        assert _ION_RADII is not None

    s = f"{get_sym(elem)}{charge:+d}"

        return _ION_RADII[s]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown radius for ion '{s}'") from None


get_radius(elem: int) -> float
get_radius(elem: Series) -> Series
get_radius(elem: Union[ndarray, Sequence[int]]) -> ndarray
    elem: Union[int, Sequence[int], ndarray, Series]

Get the neutral atomic radius for the given element(s), in angstroms. Follows the values in [3].

[3] E. Clementi et. al, J. Chem. Phys. 47 (1967)

Source code in atomlib/
def get_radius(elem: t.Union[int, t.Sequence[int], numpy.ndarray, polars.Series]):
    Get the neutral atomic radius for the given element(s), in angstroms.
    Follows the values in [3].

    [3] E. Clementi et. al, J. Chem. Phys. 47 (1967) <>
    global _ELEMENT_RADII

    if _ELEMENT_RADII is None:
        with _open_binary_data('radii.npy') as f:
            _ELEMENT_RADII = numpy.load(f, allow_pickle=False)

    if isinstance(elem, polars.Series):
        return polars.Series(values=_ELEMENT_RADII)[elem-1]

    if isinstance(elem, (int, numpy.ndarray)):
        return _ELEMENT_RADII[elem-1]  # type: ignore
    return _ELEMENT_RADII[[e-1 for e in elem]]  # type: ignore