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Crystallographic unit cell.

This module defines HasCell and the concrete Cell, the core types for dealing with crystallographic unit cells and their associated coordinate frames.

CoordinateFrame module-attribute

CoordinateFrame: TypeAlias = Literal[

A coordinate frame to use.

  • cell: Real-space units along crystal axes
  • cell_frac: Fraction of unit cells
  • cell_box: Fraction of cell box
  • ortho: Real-space units along orthogonal cell
  • ortho_frac: Fraction of orthogonal cell
  • ortho_box: Fraction of orthogonal box
  • linear: Angstroms in local coordinate system (without affine transformation)
  • local: Angstroms in local coordinate system (with affine transformation)
  • global: Angstroms in global coordinate system (with all transformations)

For more information, see the documentation at Coordinate systems, or the example notebook at examples/coords.ipynb.

HasCellT module-attribute

HasCellT = TypeVar('HasCellT', bound='HasCell')


Source code in atomlib/
class HasCell:
    # abstract methods

    def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
        """Get the cell contained in ``self``. This should be a low cost method."""

    def with_cell(self: HasCellT, cell: Cell) -> HasCellT:
        """Replace the cell in ``self`` with ``cell``."""

    # getters

    def affine(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Affine transformation. Holds transformation from 'ortho' to 'local' coordinates,
        including rotation away from the standard crystal orientation.
        return self.get_cell()._affine

    def ortho(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Orthogonalization transformation. Skews but does not scale the crystal axes to cartesian axes.
        return self.get_cell()._ortho

    def metric(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Cell metric tensor

        Returns the dot product between every combination of basis vectors.
        :math:`\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} = a_i M_ij b_j`
        ortho = self.get_cell()._ortho.scale(self.cell_size)
        return ortho.T @ ortho

    def cell_size(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
        """Unit cell size."""
        return self.get_cell()._cell_size

    def cell_angle(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
        """Unit cell angles, in radians."""
        return self.get_cell()._cell_angle

    def n_cells(self) -> NDArray[numpy.int_]:
        """Number of unit cells."""
        return self.get_cell()._n_cells

    def pbc(self) -> NDArray[numpy.bool_]:
        """Flags indicating the presence of periodic boundary conditions along each axis."""
        return self.get_cell()._pbc

    def ortho_size(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
        Return size of orthogonal unit cell.

        Equivalent to the diagonal of the orthogonalization matrix.
        return self.cell_size * numpy.diag(self.ortho.inner)

    def box_size(self) -> NDArray[numpy.float64]:
        Return size of the cell box.

        Equivalent to ``self.n_cells * self.cell_size``.
        return self.n_cells * self.cell_size

    # get transforms

    def _get_transform_to_local(self, frame: CoordinateFrame) -> AffineTransform3D:
        """Get the transform from `frame` to local coordinates."""
        frame = t.cast(CoordinateFrame, frame.lower())

        if frame == 'local' or frame == 'global':
            return LinearTransform3D()

        if frame == 'linear':
            return self.affine.to_translation()

        if frame.startswith('cell'):
            transform = self.affine @ self.ortho
            cell_size = self.cell_size
        elif frame.startswith('ortho'):
            transform = self.affine
            cell_size = self.ortho_size
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown coordinate frame '{frame}'")

        if '_' not in frame:
            return transform
        end = frame.split('_', 2)[1]
        if end == 'frac':
            return transform @ LinearTransform3D.scale(cell_size)
        if end == 'box':
            return transform @ LinearTransform3D.scale(cell_size * self.n_cells)
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown coordinate frame '{frame}'")

    def get_transform(self, frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None, frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:
        In the two-argument form, get the transform to `frame_to` from `frame_from`.
        In the one-argument form, get the transform from local coordinates to 'frame'.
        transform_from = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_from) if frame_from is not None else AffineTransform3D()
        transform_to = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_to) if frame_to is not None else AffineTransform3D()
        if frame_from is not None and frame_to is not None and frame_from.lower() == frame_to.lower():
            return AffineTransform3D()
        return transform_to.inverse() @ transform_from

    def corners(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> numpy.ndarray:
        corners = numpy.array(list(itertools.product((0., 1.), repeat=3)))
        return self.get_transform(frame, 'cell_box') @ corners

    def bbox_cell(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> BBox3D:
        """Return the bounding box of the cell box in the given coordinate system."""
        return BBox3D.from_pts(self.corners(frame))

    bbox = bbox_cell

    def is_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal (axes are at right angles.)"""
        return self.ortho.is_diagonal(tol=tol)

    def is_orthogonal_in_local(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal and aligned with the local coordinate system."""
        transform = (self.affine @ self.ortho).to_linear()
        if not transform.is_scaled_orthogonal(tol):
            return False
        normed = transform.inner / numpy.linalg.norm(transform.inner, axis=-2, keepdims=True)
        # every row of transform must be a +/- 1 times a basis vector (i, j, or k)
        return all(
            any(numpy.isclose(numpy.abs(, v)), 1., atol=tol) for v in numpy.eye(3))
            for row in normed

    def _cell_size_in_local(self) -> Vec3:
        """Calculate cell_size in the local coordinate system. Assumes `self.is_orthogonal_in_local()`."""
        return numpy.abs(self.get_transform('local', 'ortho').transform_vec(self.cell_size))

    def _box_size_in_local(self) -> Vec3:
        """Calculate box_size in the local coordinate system. Assumes `self.is_orthogonal_in_local()`."""
        return numpy.abs(self.get_transform('local', 'ortho').transform_vec(self.box_size))

    def _n_cells_in_local(self) -> NDArray[numpy.int_]:
        """Calculate n_cells after any local rotation. Assumes `self.is_orthogonal_in_local()`."""
        return numpy.abs(numpy.round(self.get_transform('local', 'ortho').transform_vec(self.n_cells)).astype(int))

    def to_ortho(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
        return self.get_transform('local', 'cell_box')

    def transform_cell(self: HasCellT, transform: AffineTransform3D, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
        Apply the given transform to the unit cell, and return a new `Cell`.
        The transform is applied in coordinate frame 'frame'.
        Orthogonal and affine transformations are applied to the affine matrix component,
        while skew and scaling is applied to the orthogonalization matrix/cell_size.
        transform = t.cast(AffineTransform3D, self.change_transform(transform, 'local', frame))
        if not transform.to_linear().is_orthogonal():
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return self.with_cell(Cell(
            affine=transform @ self.affine,

    def strain_orthogonal(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
        Orthogonalize using strain.

        Strain is applied such that the x-axis remains fixed, and the y-axis remains in the xy plane.
        For small displacements, no hydrostatic strain is applied (volume is conserved).
        return self.with_cell(Cell(

    def repeat(self: HasCellT, n: t.Union[int, VecLike]) -> HasCellT:
        """Tile the cell by `n` in each dimension."""
        ns = numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3)
        if not numpy.issubdtype(ns.dtype, numpy.integer):
            raise ValueError("repeat() argument must be an integer or integer array.")
        return self.with_cell(Cell(
            n_cells=self.n_cells * numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3),
            pbc = self.pbc | (ns > 1)  # assume periodic along repeated directions

    def explode(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
        """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell."""
        return self.with_cell(Cell(

    def explode_z(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
        """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell in z."""
        return self.with_cell(Cell(
            cell_size=self.cell_size*[1, 1, self.n_cells[2]],
            n_cells=[*self.n_cells[:2], 1],

    def crop(self: HasCellT, x_min: float = -numpy.inf, x_max: float = numpy.inf,
             y_min: float = -numpy.inf, y_max: float = numpy.inf,
             z_min: float = -numpy.inf, z_max: float = numpy.inf, *,
             frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
        Crop `self` to the given extents. For a non-orthogonal
        cell, this must be specified in cell coordinates. This
        function implicity `explode`s the cell as well.

        if not frame.lower().startswith('cell'):
            if not self.is_orthogonal():
                raise ValueError("Cannot crop a non-orthogonal cell in orthogonal coordinates. Use crop_atoms instead.")

        min = to_vec3([x_min, y_min, z_min])
        max = to_vec3([x_max, y_max, z_max])
        (min, max) = self.get_transform('cell_box', frame).transform([min, max])
        new_box = BBox3D(min, max) & BBox3D.unit()
        cropped = (new_box.min > 0.) | (new_box.max < 1.)

        return self.with_cell(Cell(
            affine=self.affine @ AffineTransform3D.translate(-new_box.min),
            cell_size=new_box.size * self.cell_size * numpy.where(cropped, self.n_cells, 1),
            n_cells=numpy.where(cropped, 1, self.n_cells),
            pbc=self.pbc & ~cropped  # remove periodicity along cropped directions

    def change_transform(self, transform: AffineTransform3D,
                         frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
                         frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def change_transform(self, transform: Transform3D,
                         frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
                         frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> Transform3D:

    def change_transform(self, transform: Transform3D,
                         frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
                         frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> Transform3D:
        """Coordinate-change a transformation from `frame_from` into `frame_to`."""
        if frame_to == frame_from and frame_to is not None:
            return transform
        coord_change = self.get_transform(frame_to, frame_from)
        return coord_change @ transform @ coord_change.inverse()

    def assert_equal(self, other: t.Any):
        assert isinstance(other, HasCell) and type(self) is type(other)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.affine.inner, other.affine.inner, 6)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.ortho.inner, other.ortho.inner, 6)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.cell_size, other.cell_size, 6)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.n_cells, other.n_cells)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.pbc, other.pbc)

affine property

Affine transformation. Holds transformation from 'ortho' to 'local' coordinates, including rotation away from the standard crystal orientation.

ortho property

Orthogonalization transformation. Skews but does not scale the crystal axes to cartesian axes.

metric property

Cell metric tensor

Returns the dot product between every combination of basis vectors. :math:\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} = a_i M_ij b_j

cell_size property

cell_size: NDArray[float64]

Unit cell size.

cell_angle property

cell_angle: NDArray[float64]

Unit cell angles, in radians.

n_cells property

n_cells: NDArray[int_]

Number of unit cells.

pbc property

pbc: NDArray[bool_]

Flags indicating the presence of periodic boundary conditions along each axis.

ortho_size property

ortho_size: NDArray[float64]

Return size of orthogonal unit cell.

Equivalent to the diagonal of the orthogonalization matrix.

box_size property

box_size: NDArray[float64]

Return size of the cell box.

Equivalent to self.n_cells * self.cell_size.

bbox class-attribute instance-attribute

bbox = bbox_cell

get_cell abstractmethod

get_cell() -> Cell

Get the cell contained in self. This should be a low cost method.

Source code in atomlib/
def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
    """Get the cell contained in ``self``. This should be a low cost method."""

with_cell abstractmethod

with_cell(cell: Cell) -> HasCellT

Replace the cell in self with cell.

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def with_cell(self: HasCellT, cell: Cell) -> HasCellT:
    """Replace the cell in ``self`` with ``cell``."""


    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> AffineTransform3D

In the two-argument form, get the transform to frame_to from frame_from. In the one-argument form, get the transform from local coordinates to 'frame'.

Source code in atomlib/
def get_transform(self, frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None, frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:
    In the two-argument form, get the transform to `frame_to` from `frame_from`.
    In the one-argument form, get the transform from local coordinates to 'frame'.
    transform_from = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_from) if frame_from is not None else AffineTransform3D()
    transform_to = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_to) if frame_to is not None else AffineTransform3D()
    if frame_from is not None and frame_to is not None and frame_from.lower() == frame_to.lower():
        return AffineTransform3D()
    return transform_to.inverse() @ transform_from


corners(frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> ndarray
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def corners(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> numpy.ndarray:
    corners = numpy.array(list(itertools.product((0., 1.), repeat=3)))
    return self.get_transform(frame, 'cell_box') @ corners


bbox_cell(frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> BBox3D

Return the bounding box of the cell box in the given coordinate system.

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def bbox_cell(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> BBox3D:
    """Return the bounding box of the cell box in the given coordinate system."""
    return BBox3D.from_pts(self.corners(frame))


is_orthogonal(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns whether this cell is orthogonal (axes are at right angles.)

Source code in atomlib/
def is_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal (axes are at right angles.)"""
    return self.ortho.is_diagonal(tol=tol)


is_orthogonal_in_local(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns whether this cell is orthogonal and aligned with the local coordinate system.

Source code in atomlib/
def is_orthogonal_in_local(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal and aligned with the local coordinate system."""
    transform = (self.affine @ self.ortho).to_linear()
    if not transform.is_scaled_orthogonal(tol):
        return False
    normed = transform.inner / numpy.linalg.norm(transform.inner, axis=-2, keepdims=True)
    # every row of transform must be a +/- 1 times a basis vector (i, j, or k)
    return all(
        any(numpy.isclose(numpy.abs(, v)), 1., atol=tol) for v in numpy.eye(3))
        for row in normed


to_ortho() -> AffineTransform3D
Source code in atomlib/
def to_ortho(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    return self.get_transform('local', 'cell_box')


    transform: AffineTransform3D,
    frame: CoordinateFrame = "local",
) -> HasCellT

Apply the given transform to the unit cell, and return a new Cell. The transform is applied in coordinate frame 'frame'. Orthogonal and affine transformations are applied to the affine matrix component, while skew and scaling is applied to the orthogonalization matrix/cell_size.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform_cell(self: HasCellT, transform: AffineTransform3D, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
    Apply the given transform to the unit cell, and return a new `Cell`.
    The transform is applied in coordinate frame 'frame'.
    Orthogonal and affine transformations are applied to the affine matrix component,
    while skew and scaling is applied to the orthogonalization matrix/cell_size.
    transform = t.cast(AffineTransform3D, self.change_transform(transform, 'local', frame))
    if not transform.to_linear().is_orthogonal():
        raise NotImplementedError()
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        affine=transform @ self.affine,


strain_orthogonal() -> HasCellT

Orthogonalize using strain.

Strain is applied such that the x-axis remains fixed, and the y-axis remains in the xy plane. For small displacements, no hydrostatic strain is applied (volume is conserved).

Source code in atomlib/
def strain_orthogonal(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    Orthogonalize using strain.

    Strain is applied such that the x-axis remains fixed, and the y-axis remains in the xy plane.
    For small displacements, no hydrostatic strain is applied (volume is conserved).
    return self.with_cell(Cell(


repeat(n: Union[int, VecLike]) -> HasCellT

Tile the cell by n in each dimension.

Source code in atomlib/
def repeat(self: HasCellT, n: t.Union[int, VecLike]) -> HasCellT:
    """Tile the cell by `n` in each dimension."""
    ns = numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3)
    if not numpy.issubdtype(ns.dtype, numpy.integer):
        raise ValueError("repeat() argument must be an integer or integer array.")
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        n_cells=self.n_cells * numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3),
        pbc = self.pbc | (ns > 1)  # assume periodic along repeated directions


explode() -> HasCellT

Materialize repeated cells as one supercell.

Source code in atomlib/
def explode(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell."""
    return self.with_cell(Cell(


explode_z() -> HasCellT

Materialize repeated cells as one supercell in z.

Source code in atomlib/
def explode_z(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell in z."""
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        cell_size=self.cell_size*[1, 1, self.n_cells[2]],
        n_cells=[*self.n_cells[:2], 1],


    x_min: float = -inf,
    x_max: float = inf,
    y_min: float = -inf,
    y_max: float = inf,
    z_min: float = -inf,
    z_max: float = inf,
    frame: CoordinateFrame = "local"
) -> HasCellT

Crop self to the given extents. For a non-orthogonal cell, this must be specified in cell coordinates. This function implicity explodes the cell as well.

Source code in atomlib/
def crop(self: HasCellT, x_min: float = -numpy.inf, x_max: float = numpy.inf,
         y_min: float = -numpy.inf, y_max: float = numpy.inf,
         z_min: float = -numpy.inf, z_max: float = numpy.inf, *,
         frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
    Crop `self` to the given extents. For a non-orthogonal
    cell, this must be specified in cell coordinates. This
    function implicity `explode`s the cell as well.

    if not frame.lower().startswith('cell'):
        if not self.is_orthogonal():
            raise ValueError("Cannot crop a non-orthogonal cell in orthogonal coordinates. Use crop_atoms instead.")

    min = to_vec3([x_min, y_min, z_min])
    max = to_vec3([x_max, y_max, z_max])
    (min, max) = self.get_transform('cell_box', frame).transform([min, max])
    new_box = BBox3D(min, max) & BBox3D.unit()
    cropped = (new_box.min > 0.) | (new_box.max < 1.)

    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        affine=self.affine @ AffineTransform3D.translate(-new_box.min),
        cell_size=new_box.size * self.cell_size * numpy.where(cropped, self.n_cells, 1),
        n_cells=numpy.where(cropped, 1, self.n_cells),
        pbc=self.pbc & ~cropped  # remove periodicity along cropped directions


    transform: AffineTransform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> AffineTransform3D
    transform: Transform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> Transform3D
    transform: Transform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> Transform3D

Coordinate-change a transformation from frame_from into frame_to.

Source code in atomlib/
def change_transform(self, transform: Transform3D,
                     frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
                     frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> Transform3D:
    """Coordinate-change a transformation from `frame_from` into `frame_to`."""
    if frame_to == frame_from and frame_to is not None:
        return transform
    coord_change = self.get_transform(frame_to, frame_from)
    return coord_change @ transform @ coord_change.inverse()


assert_equal(other: Any)
Source code in atomlib/
def assert_equal(self, other: t.Any):
    assert isinstance(other, HasCell) and type(self) is type(other)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.affine.inner, other.affine.inner, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.ortho.inner, other.ortho.inner, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.cell_size, other.cell_size, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.n_cells, other.n_cells)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.pbc, other.pbc)

Cell dataclass

Bases: HasCell

Internal class for representing the coordinate systems of a crystal.

The overall transformation from crystal coordinates to real-space coordinates is is split into four transformations, applied from bottom to top. First is n_cells, which scales from fractions of a unit cell to fractions of a supercell. Next is cell_size, which scales to real-space units. ortho is an orthogonalization matrix, a det = 1 upper-triangular matrix which transforms crystal axes to an orthogonal coordinate system. Finally, affine contains any remaining transformations to the local coordinate system, which atoms are stored in.

Source code in atomlib/
@dataclass(frozen=True, init=False)
class Cell(HasCell):
    Internal class for representing the coordinate systems of a crystal.

    The overall transformation from crystal coordinates to real-space coordinates is
    is split into four transformations, applied from bottom to top. First is `n_cells`,
    which scales from fractions of a unit cell to fractions of a supercell. Next is
    `cell_size`, which scales to real-space units. `ortho` is an orthogonalization
    matrix, a det = 1 upper-triangular matrix which transforms crystal axes to
    an orthogonal coordinate system. Finally, `affine` contains any remaining
    transformations to the local coordinate system, which atoms are stored in.

    def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
        return self

    def with_cell(self: Cell, cell: Cell) -> Cell:
        return cell

    _affine: AffineTransform3D = AffineTransform3D()
    Affine transformation. Holds transformation from `'ortho'` to `'local'` coordinates,
    including rotation away from the standard crystal orientation.

    _ortho: LinearTransform3D = LinearTransform3D()
    Orthogonalization transformation. Skews but does not scale the crystal axes to cartesian axes.

    _cell_size: NDArray[numpy.float64]
    """Unit cell size."""
    _cell_angle: NDArray[numpy.float64] = field(default_factory=lambda: numpy.full(3, numpy.pi/2.))
    """Unit cell angles, in radians."""
    _n_cells: NDArray[numpy.int64] = field(default_factory=lambda: numpy.ones(3, numpy.int64))
    """Number of unit cells."""
    _pbc: NDArray[numpy.bool_] = field(default_factory=lambda: numpy.ones(3, numpy.bool_))
    """Flags indicating the presence of periodic boundary conditions along each axis."""

    def __init__(self, *,
        affine: t.Optional[AffineTransform3D] = None, ortho: t.Optional[LinearTransform3D] = None,
        cell_size: VecLike, cell_angle: t.Optional[VecLike] = None,
        n_cells: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, pbc: t.Optional[VecLike] = None):

        object.__setattr__(self, '_affine', AffineTransform3D() if affine is None else affine)
        object.__setattr__(self, '_ortho', LinearTransform3D() if ortho is None else ortho)
        object.__setattr__(self, '_cell_size', to_vec3(cell_size))
        object.__setattr__(self, '_cell_angle', numpy.full(3, numpy.pi/2.) if cell_angle is None else to_vec3(cell_angle))
        object.__setattr__(self, '_n_cells', numpy.ones(3, numpy.int_) if n_cells is None else to_vec3(n_cells, numpy.int64))
        object.__setattr__(self, '_pbc', numpy.ones(3, numpy.bool_) if pbc is None else to_vec3(pbc, numpy.bool_))

    def from_unit_cell(cell_size: VecLike, cell_angle: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, n_cells: t.Optional[VecLike] = None,
                       pbc: t.Optional[VecLike] = None):
        return Cell(
            ortho=cell_to_ortho([1.]*3, cell_angle),
            n_cells=to_vec3([1]*3 if n_cells is None else n_cells, numpy.int_),
            cell_angle=to_vec3([numpy.pi/2.]*3 if cell_angle is None else cell_angle),

    def from_ortho(ortho: AffineTransform3D, n_cells: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, pbc: t.Optional[VecLike] = None):
        lin = ortho.to_linear()
        # decompose into orthogonal and upper triangular
        q, r = numpy.linalg.qr(lin.inner)

        # flip QR decomposition so R has positive diagonals
        signs = numpy.sign(numpy.diagonal(r))
        # multiply flips to columns of Q, rows of R
        q = q * signs
        r = r * signs[:, None]
        #numpy.testing.assert_allclose(q @ r, lin.inner)
        if numpy.linalg.det(q) < 0:
            warn("Crystal is left-handed. This is currently unsupported, and may cause errors.")
            # currently, behavior is to leave `ortho` proper, and move the inversion into the affine transform

        cell_size, cell_angle = ortho_to_cell(lin)
        return Cell(
            ortho=LinearTransform3D(r / cell_size).round_near_zero(),
            cell_size=cell_size, cell_angle=cell_angle,
            n_cells=to_vec3([1]*3 if n_cells is None else n_cells, numpy.int_),

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "\n".join((
            f"Cell size: {self.cell_size!r}",
            f"Cell angle: {self.cell_angle!r}",
            f"# cells: {self.n_cells!r}",
            f"pbc: {self.pbc!r}",

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"ortho={self.ortho}, affine={self.affine}, cell_size={self.cell_size}, "
            f"cell_angle={self.cell_angle}, n_cells={self.n_cells}, pbc={self.pbc})"

    def _repr_pretty_(self, p: t.Any, cycle: bool) -> None:
        p.text(f"{self.__class__.__name__}(...)") if cycle else p.text(str(self))

affine property

Affine transformation. Holds transformation from 'ortho' to 'local' coordinates, including rotation away from the standard crystal orientation.

ortho property

Orthogonalization transformation. Skews but does not scale the crystal axes to cartesian axes.

metric property

Cell metric tensor

Returns the dot product between every combination of basis vectors. :math:\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} = a_i M_ij b_j

cell_size property

cell_size: NDArray[float64]

Unit cell size.

cell_angle property

cell_angle: NDArray[float64]

Unit cell angles, in radians.

n_cells property

n_cells: NDArray[int_]

Number of unit cells.

pbc property

pbc: NDArray[bool_]

Flags indicating the presence of periodic boundary conditions along each axis.

ortho_size property

ortho_size: NDArray[float64]

Return size of orthogonal unit cell.

Equivalent to the diagonal of the orthogonalization matrix.

box_size property

box_size: NDArray[float64]

Return size of the cell box.

Equivalent to self.n_cells * self.cell_size.

bbox class-attribute instance-attribute

bbox = bbox_cell


    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> AffineTransform3D

In the two-argument form, get the transform to frame_to from frame_from. In the one-argument form, get the transform from local coordinates to 'frame'.

Source code in atomlib/
def get_transform(self, frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None, frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:
    In the two-argument form, get the transform to `frame_to` from `frame_from`.
    In the one-argument form, get the transform from local coordinates to 'frame'.
    transform_from = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_from) if frame_from is not None else AffineTransform3D()
    transform_to = self._get_transform_to_local(frame_to) if frame_to is not None else AffineTransform3D()
    if frame_from is not None and frame_to is not None and frame_from.lower() == frame_to.lower():
        return AffineTransform3D()
    return transform_to.inverse() @ transform_from


corners(frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> ndarray
Source code in atomlib/
def corners(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> numpy.ndarray:
    corners = numpy.array(list(itertools.product((0., 1.), repeat=3)))
    return self.get_transform(frame, 'cell_box') @ corners


bbox_cell(frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> BBox3D

Return the bounding box of the cell box in the given coordinate system.

Source code in atomlib/
def bbox_cell(self, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> BBox3D:
    """Return the bounding box of the cell box in the given coordinate system."""
    return BBox3D.from_pts(self.corners(frame))


is_orthogonal(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns whether this cell is orthogonal (axes are at right angles.)

Source code in atomlib/
def is_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal (axes are at right angles.)"""
    return self.ortho.is_diagonal(tol=tol)


is_orthogonal_in_local(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns whether this cell is orthogonal and aligned with the local coordinate system.

Source code in atomlib/
def is_orthogonal_in_local(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Returns whether this cell is orthogonal and aligned with the local coordinate system."""
    transform = (self.affine @ self.ortho).to_linear()
    if not transform.is_scaled_orthogonal(tol):
        return False
    normed = transform.inner / numpy.linalg.norm(transform.inner, axis=-2, keepdims=True)
    # every row of transform must be a +/- 1 times a basis vector (i, j, or k)
    return all(
        any(numpy.isclose(numpy.abs(, v)), 1., atol=tol) for v in numpy.eye(3))
        for row in normed


to_ortho() -> AffineTransform3D
Source code in atomlib/
def to_ortho(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    return self.get_transform('local', 'cell_box')


    transform: AffineTransform3D,
    frame: CoordinateFrame = "local",
) -> HasCellT

Apply the given transform to the unit cell, and return a new Cell. The transform is applied in coordinate frame 'frame'. Orthogonal and affine transformations are applied to the affine matrix component, while skew and scaling is applied to the orthogonalization matrix/cell_size.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform_cell(self: HasCellT, transform: AffineTransform3D, frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
    Apply the given transform to the unit cell, and return a new `Cell`.
    The transform is applied in coordinate frame 'frame'.
    Orthogonal and affine transformations are applied to the affine matrix component,
    while skew and scaling is applied to the orthogonalization matrix/cell_size.
    transform = t.cast(AffineTransform3D, self.change_transform(transform, 'local', frame))
    if not transform.to_linear().is_orthogonal():
        raise NotImplementedError()
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        affine=transform @ self.affine,


strain_orthogonal() -> HasCellT

Orthogonalize using strain.

Strain is applied such that the x-axis remains fixed, and the y-axis remains in the xy plane. For small displacements, no hydrostatic strain is applied (volume is conserved).

Source code in atomlib/
def strain_orthogonal(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    Orthogonalize using strain.

    Strain is applied such that the x-axis remains fixed, and the y-axis remains in the xy plane.
    For small displacements, no hydrostatic strain is applied (volume is conserved).
    return self.with_cell(Cell(


repeat(n: Union[int, VecLike]) -> HasCellT

Tile the cell by n in each dimension.

Source code in atomlib/
def repeat(self: HasCellT, n: t.Union[int, VecLike]) -> HasCellT:
    """Tile the cell by `n` in each dimension."""
    ns = numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3)
    if not numpy.issubdtype(ns.dtype, numpy.integer):
        raise ValueError("repeat() argument must be an integer or integer array.")
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        n_cells=self.n_cells * numpy.broadcast_to(n, 3),
        pbc = self.pbc | (ns > 1)  # assume periodic along repeated directions


explode() -> HasCellT

Materialize repeated cells as one supercell.

Source code in atomlib/
def explode(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell."""
    return self.with_cell(Cell(


explode_z() -> HasCellT

Materialize repeated cells as one supercell in z.

Source code in atomlib/
def explode_z(self: HasCellT) -> HasCellT:
    """Materialize repeated cells as one supercell in z."""
    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        cell_size=self.cell_size*[1, 1, self.n_cells[2]],
        n_cells=[*self.n_cells[:2], 1],


    x_min: float = -inf,
    x_max: float = inf,
    y_min: float = -inf,
    y_max: float = inf,
    z_min: float = -inf,
    z_max: float = inf,
    frame: CoordinateFrame = "local"
) -> HasCellT

Crop self to the given extents. For a non-orthogonal cell, this must be specified in cell coordinates. This function implicity explodes the cell as well.

Source code in atomlib/
def crop(self: HasCellT, x_min: float = -numpy.inf, x_max: float = numpy.inf,
         y_min: float = -numpy.inf, y_max: float = numpy.inf,
         z_min: float = -numpy.inf, z_max: float = numpy.inf, *,
         frame: CoordinateFrame = 'local') -> HasCellT:
    Crop `self` to the given extents. For a non-orthogonal
    cell, this must be specified in cell coordinates. This
    function implicity `explode`s the cell as well.

    if not frame.lower().startswith('cell'):
        if not self.is_orthogonal():
            raise ValueError("Cannot crop a non-orthogonal cell in orthogonal coordinates. Use crop_atoms instead.")

    min = to_vec3([x_min, y_min, z_min])
    max = to_vec3([x_max, y_max, z_max])
    (min, max) = self.get_transform('cell_box', frame).transform([min, max])
    new_box = BBox3D(min, max) & BBox3D.unit()
    cropped = (new_box.min > 0.) | (new_box.max < 1.)

    return self.with_cell(Cell(
        affine=self.affine @ AffineTransform3D.translate(-new_box.min),
        cell_size=new_box.size * self.cell_size * numpy.where(cropped, self.n_cells, 1),
        n_cells=numpy.where(cropped, 1, self.n_cells),
        pbc=self.pbc & ~cropped  # remove periodicity along cropped directions


    transform: AffineTransform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> AffineTransform3D
    transform: Transform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> Transform3D
    transform: Transform3D,
    frame_to: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
    frame_from: Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
) -> Transform3D

Coordinate-change a transformation from frame_from into frame_to.

Source code in atomlib/
def change_transform(self, transform: Transform3D,
                     frame_to: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None,
                     frame_from: t.Optional[CoordinateFrame] = None) -> Transform3D:
    """Coordinate-change a transformation from `frame_from` into `frame_to`."""
    if frame_to == frame_from and frame_to is not None:
        return transform
    coord_change = self.get_transform(frame_to, frame_from)
    return coord_change @ transform @ coord_change.inverse()


assert_equal(other: Any)
Source code in atomlib/
def assert_equal(self, other: t.Any):
    assert isinstance(other, HasCell) and type(self) is type(other)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.affine.inner, other.affine.inner, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.ortho.inner, other.ortho.inner, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(self.cell_size, other.cell_size, 6)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.n_cells, other.n_cells)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(self.pbc, other.pbc)


get_cell() -> Cell
Source code in atomlib/
def get_cell(self) -> Cell:
    return self


with_cell(cell: Cell) -> Cell
Source code in atomlib/
def with_cell(self: Cell, cell: Cell) -> Cell:
    return cell

from_unit_cell staticmethod

    cell_size: VecLike,
    cell_angle: Optional[VecLike] = None,
    n_cells: Optional[VecLike] = None,
    pbc: Optional[VecLike] = None,
Source code in atomlib/
def from_unit_cell(cell_size: VecLike, cell_angle: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, n_cells: t.Optional[VecLike] = None,
                   pbc: t.Optional[VecLike] = None):
    return Cell(
        ortho=cell_to_ortho([1.]*3, cell_angle),
        n_cells=to_vec3([1]*3 if n_cells is None else n_cells, numpy.int_),
        cell_angle=to_vec3([numpy.pi/2.]*3 if cell_angle is None else cell_angle),

from_ortho staticmethod

    ortho: AffineTransform3D,
    n_cells: Optional[VecLike] = None,
    pbc: Optional[VecLike] = None,
Source code in atomlib/
def from_ortho(ortho: AffineTransform3D, n_cells: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, pbc: t.Optional[VecLike] = None):
    lin = ortho.to_linear()
    # decompose into orthogonal and upper triangular
    q, r = numpy.linalg.qr(lin.inner)

    # flip QR decomposition so R has positive diagonals
    signs = numpy.sign(numpy.diagonal(r))
    # multiply flips to columns of Q, rows of R
    q = q * signs
    r = r * signs[:, None]
    #numpy.testing.assert_allclose(q @ r, lin.inner)
    if numpy.linalg.det(q) < 0:
        warn("Crystal is left-handed. This is currently unsupported, and may cause errors.")
        # currently, behavior is to leave `ortho` proper, and move the inversion into the affine transform

    cell_size, cell_angle = ortho_to_cell(lin)
    return Cell(
        ortho=LinearTransform3D(r / cell_size).round_near_zero(),
        cell_size=cell_size, cell_angle=cell_angle,
        n_cells=to_vec3([1]*3 if n_cells is None else n_cells, numpy.int_),


    cell_size: VecLike, cell_angle: Optional[VecLike] = None
) -> LinearTransform3D

Get orthogonalization transform from unit cell parameters (which turns fractional cell coordinates into real-space coordinates). .

Source code in atomlib/
def cell_to_ortho(cell_size: VecLike, cell_angle: t.Optional[VecLike] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Get orthogonalization transform from unit cell parameters (which turns fractional cell coordinates into real-space coordinates).
    (a, b, c) = _validate_cell_size(cell_size)
    cell_angle = _validate_cell_angle(cell_angle)

    if numpy.allclose(cell_angle.view(numpy.ndarray), numpy.pi/2.):
        return LinearTransform3D.scale(a, b, c)

    (alpha, beta, gamma) = cell_angle
    alphastar = numpy.cos(beta) * numpy.cos(gamma) - numpy.cos(alpha)
    alphastar /= numpy.sin(beta) * numpy.sin(gamma)
    alphastar = numpy.arccos(alphastar)
    assert not numpy.isnan(alphastar)

    # aligns a axis along x
    # aligns b axis in the x-y plane
    return LinearTransform3D(numpy.array([
        [a,  b * numpy.cos(gamma),  c * numpy.cos(beta)],
        [0.,  b * numpy.sin(gamma), -c * numpy.sin(beta) * numpy.cos(alphastar)],
        [0.,  0.,                     c * numpy.sin(beta) * numpy.sin(alphastar)],
    ], dtype=float)).round_near_zero()


    ortho: LinearTransform3D,
) -> Tuple[Vec3, Vec3]

Get unit cell parameters (cell_size, cell_angle) from orthogonalization transform.

Source code in atomlib/
def ortho_to_cell(ortho: LinearTransform3D) -> t.Tuple[Vec3, Vec3]:
    """Get unit cell parameters `(cell_size, cell_angle)` from orthogonalization transform."""
    # TODO suspect
    cell_size = numpy.linalg.norm(ortho.inner, axis=-2)
    cell_size = _validate_cell_size(cell_size)
    normed = ortho.inner / cell_size
    cosines = numpy.array([[..., 1], normed[..., 2]), # alpha[..., 2], normed[..., 0]), # beta[..., 0], normed[..., 1]), # gamma
    cell_angle = numpy.arccos(cosines)
    cell_angle = _validate_cell_angle(cell_angle)

    return (cell_size, cell_angle)


    metric: LinearTransform3D,
    plane: VecLike,
    reduce: bool = True,
) -> Vec3

Return the zone axis associated with a given crystallographic plane. If reduce is True, call reduce_vec before returning. Otherwise, return a unit vector.

Source code in atomlib/
def plane_to_zone(metric: LinearTransform3D, plane: VecLike, reduce: bool = True) -> Vec3:
    Return the zone axis associated with a given crystallographic plane.
    If `reduce` is `True`, call `reduce_vec` before returning. Otherwise,
    return a unit vector.

    plane = to_vec3(plane)
    if metric.is_orthogonal():
        return plane

    # reciprocal lattice is transpose of inverse of real lattice
    # [b1 b2 b3]^T = [a1 a2 a3]^-1
    # so real indices [uvw] = O^-1 O^-1^T (hkl)
    # O^-1 O^-1^T = (O^T O)^-1 = M^-1
    # in other words, we are raising the index of the tensor,
    # converting a covector into a vector
    zone = metric.inverse() @ plane

    if reduce:
        return to_vec3(reduce_vec(zone))
    # otherwise reduce to unit vector
    return zone / float(numpy.linalg.norm(zone))


    metric: LinearTransform3D,
    zone: VecLike,
    reduce: bool = True,
) -> Vec3

Return the crystallographic plane associated with a given zone axis. If reduce is True, call reduce_vec before returning. Otherwise, return a unit vector.

Source code in atomlib/
def zone_to_plane(metric: LinearTransform3D, zone: VecLike, reduce: bool = True) -> Vec3:
    Return the crystallographic plane associated with a given zone axis.
    If `reduce` is True, call `reduce_vec` before returning. Otherwise,
    return a unit vector.

    zone = to_vec3(zone)
    if metric.is_orthogonal():
        return zone

    plane = metric @ zone

    if reduce:
        return to_vec3(reduce_vec(plane))
    # otherwise reduce to unit vector
    return plane / float(numpy.linalg.norm(plane))