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IntoTransform3D module-attribute

IntoTransform3D: TypeAlias = Union[
    Callable[[NDArray[floating]], ndarray],

Type which is coercable into a Transform3D.

Includes transformations, numpy arrays (3x3 or 4x4), and functions (which should take a Nx3 ndarray and return an ndarray of the same shape).


Bases: ABC

Arbitrary 3D transformation. Superclass of all 3D transformation types.

Transformations can be composed: t3 = t1 @ t2, or applied to points: transformed = transform @ points using the @ operator.

Alternatively, points can be transformed using functional notation: transformed = transform(points).

Source code in atomlib/
class Transform3D(ABC):
    Arbitrary 3D transformation. Superclass of all 3D transformation types.

    Transformations can be composed: `t3 = t1 @ t2`, or applied
    to points: `transformed = transform @ points` using the `@`

    Alternatively, points can be transformed using functional notation:
    `transformed = transform(points)`.

    def identity() -> Transform3D:
        """Return an identity transformation."""

    def make(data: IntoTransform3D) -> Transform3D:
        """Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4)."""
        if isinstance(data, Transform3D):
            return data
        if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(data, '__call__'):
            return FuncTransform3D(data)
        data = numpy.array(data)
        if data.shape == (3, 3):
            return LinearTransform3D(data)
        if data.shape == (4, 4):
            return AffineTransform3D(data)
        raise ValueError(f"Transform3D of invalid shape {data.shape}")

    def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
        """Compose this transformation with another."""

    def transform(self, points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def transform(self, points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
        """Transform points according to the given transformation."""

    __call__ = transform

    def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
        """Transform vector quantities. This excludes translation, as would be expected when transforming vectors."""
        a = numpy.atleast_1d(vecs)
        return self.transform(a) - self.transform(numpy.zeros_like(a))

    def __matmul__(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def __matmul__(self, other: t.Union[Transform3D, Pts3DLike]) -> t.Union[Transform3D, BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
        """Compose this transformation, or apply it to a given set of points."""
        if isinstance(other, Transform3D):
            return other.compose(self)
        return self.transform(other)

    def __rmatmul__(self, other: t.Any):
        raise ValueError("Transform must be applied to points, not the other way around.")

identity abstractmethod staticmethod

identity() -> Transform3D

Return an identity transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def identity() -> Transform3D:
    """Return an identity transformation."""

make staticmethod

Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4).

Source code in atomlib/
def make(data: IntoTransform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4)."""
    if isinstance(data, Transform3D):
        return data
    if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(data, '__call__'):
        return FuncTransform3D(data)
    data = numpy.array(data)
    if data.shape == (3, 3):
        return LinearTransform3D(data)
    if data.shape == (4, 4):
        return AffineTransform3D(data)
    raise ValueError(f"Transform3D of invalid shape {data.shape}")

compose abstractmethod

compose(other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D

Compose this transformation with another.

Source code in atomlib/
def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Compose this transformation with another."""

transform abstractmethod

transform(points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D
transform(points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
    points: Pts3DLike,
) -> Union[BBox3D, NDArray[floating]]

Transform points according to the given transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
    """Transform points according to the given transformation."""


transform_vec(vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]

Transform vector quantities. This excludes translation, as would be expected when transforming vectors.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
    """Transform vector quantities. This excludes translation, as would be expected when transforming vectors."""
    a = numpy.atleast_1d(vecs)
    return self.transform(a) - self.transform(numpy.zeros_like(a))


Bases: Transform3D

Transformation which applies a function to the given points.

Source code in atomlib/
class FuncTransform3D(Transform3D):
    """Transformation which applies a function to the given points."""

    def __init__(self, f: t.Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]):
        self.f: t.Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray] = f
        """Wrapped function"""

    def identity() -> FuncTransform3D:
        """Return an identity transformation."""
        return FuncTransform3D(lambda pts: pts)

    def transform(self, points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def transform(self, points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
        """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
        if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
            return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

        return self.f(numpy.atleast_1d(points))

    def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> FuncTransform3D:
        """Compose this transformation with another."""
        return FuncTransform3D(lambda pts: other.transform(self.f(pts)))

    def _rcompose(self, after: Transform3D) -> FuncTransform3D:
        return FuncTransform3D(lambda pts: self.f(after.transform(pts)))

    __call__ = transform

f instance-attribute

Wrapped function

make staticmethod

Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4).

Source code in atomlib/
def make(data: IntoTransform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4)."""
    if isinstance(data, Transform3D):
        return data
    if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(data, '__call__'):
        return FuncTransform3D(data)
    data = numpy.array(data)
    if data.shape == (3, 3):
        return LinearTransform3D(data)
    if data.shape == (4, 4):
        return AffineTransform3D(data)
    raise ValueError(f"Transform3D of invalid shape {data.shape}")


transform_vec(vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]

Transform vector quantities. This excludes translation, as would be expected when transforming vectors.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
    """Transform vector quantities. This excludes translation, as would be expected when transforming vectors."""
    a = numpy.atleast_1d(vecs)
    return self.transform(a) - self.transform(numpy.zeros_like(a))

identity staticmethod

identity() -> FuncTransform3D

Return an identity transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def identity() -> FuncTransform3D:
    """Return an identity transformation."""
    return FuncTransform3D(lambda pts: pts)


transform(points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D
transform(points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
    points: Pts3DLike,
) -> Union[BBox3D, NDArray[floating]]

Transform points according to the given transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
    """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
    if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
        return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

    return self.f(numpy.atleast_1d(points))


compose(other: Transform3D) -> FuncTransform3D

Compose this transformation with another.

Source code in atomlib/
def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> FuncTransform3D:
    """Compose this transformation with another."""
    return FuncTransform3D(lambda pts: other.transform(self.f(pts)))


Bases: Transform3D

Source code in atomlib/
class AffineTransform3D(Transform3D):
    __array_ufunc__ = None

    def __init__(self, array: t.Optional[ArrayLike] = None):
        if array is None:
            array = numpy.eye(4)
        self.inner = numpy.broadcast_to(array, (4, 4))

    def __array_interface__(self):
        return self.inner.__array_interface__

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"AffineTransform3D(\n{self.inner!r}\n)"

    def identity() -> AffineTransform3D:
        """Return an identity transformation."""
        return AffineTransform3D()

    def round_near_zero(self: Affine3DSelf) -> Affine3DSelf:
        """Round near-zero matrix elements in self."""
        return type(self)(
            numpy.where(numpy.abs(self.inner) < 1e-15, 0., self.inner)

    def from_linear(linear: LinearTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:
        """Make an affine transformation from a linear transformation."""
        dtype = linear.inner.dtype
        return AffineTransform3D(numpy.block([
            [linear.inner, numpy.zeros((3, 1), dtype=dtype)],
            [numpy.zeros((1, 3), dtype=dtype), numpy.ones((), dtype=dtype)]
        ]))  # type: ignore

    def to_linear(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        """Return the linear part of an affine transformation."""
        return LinearTransform3D(self.inner[:3, :3])

    def to_translation(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
        """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it."""
        return AffineTransform3D.translate(self.translation())

    def det(self) -> float:
        """Return the determinant of an affine transformation."""
        return numpy.linalg.det(self.inner[:3, :3])

    def translation(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
        """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it as a vector."""
        return self.inner[:3, -1]

    def inverse(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
        """Return the inverse of an affine transformation."""
        linear_inv = LinearTransform3D(self.inner[:3, :3]).inverse()
        # first undo translation, then undo linear transformation
        return linear_inv @ AffineTransform3D.translate(*-self.translation())

    def translate(cls, x: VecLike, /) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def translate(cls, x: Num = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def translate(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Create or append an affine translation.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        if isinstance(x, t.Sized) and len(x) > 1:
                (x, y, z) = to_vec3(x)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("translate() must be called with a sequence or three numbers.")

        if isinstance(self, LinearTransform3D):
            self = AffineTransform3D.from_linear(self)

        a = self.inner.copy()
        a[:3, -1] += [x, y, z]
        return AffineTransform3D(a)

    def scale(cls, x: VecLike, /) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def scale(cls, x: Num = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
              all: Num = 1.) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def scale(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
              all: Num = 1.) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Create or append a scaling transformation.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.scale(x, y, z, all=all))  # type: ignore

    def rotate(self, v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Create or append a rotation transformation of `theta`
        radians CCW around the given vector `v`.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.rotate(v, theta))

    def rotate_euler(self, x: Num = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Create or append a Euler rotation transformation.
        Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis.
        Values are specified in radians.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.rotate_euler(x, y, z))

    def mirror(cls, a: VecLike, /) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def mirror(cls, a: Num, b: Num, c: Num) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def mirror(self, a: t.Union[Num, VecLike],
               b: t.Optional[Num] = None,
               c: t.Optional[Num] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.mirror(a, b, c))  # type: ignore

    def strain(self, strain: float, v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1), poisson: float = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Apply a strain of ``strain`` in direction ``v``, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

        Strain is applied relative to the origin.

        With ``poisson=0`` (default), a uniaxial strain is applied.
        With ``poisson=-1``, hydrostatic strain is applied.
        Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio `poisson`,
        which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.strain(strain, v, poisson))

    def align_standard(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
        Align `self` so `v1` is in the x-axis and `v2` is in the xy-plane.

        This is equivalent to a $QR$ decomposition which keeps only the
        right-triangular matrix $R$.

        For an affine transformation, this rotates the transformation
        around the global origin (including any transformation).
        if self.det() <= 0:
            raise ValueError("align_standard() requires a right-handed transformation")

        translation = self.translation()

        import scipy.linalg
        q, r = t.cast(t.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], scipy.linalg.qr(self.to_linear().inner))
        # qr unique up to the sign of the digonal
        # we choose the case where r is positive definite
        q = q * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())
        r = r * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())[:, None]
        assert numpy.linalg.det(r) > 0
        # we need to remove the rotation from the translation component as well
        # q is orthogonal, so q^-1 = q.T
        return LinearTransform3D(r).translate(q.T @ translation).round_near_zero()

    def transform(self, points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def transform(self, points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
        """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
        if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
            return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

        pts: NDArray[numpy.floating] = numpy.atleast_1d(points).astype(self.inner.dtype)
        pts = numpy.concatenate((points, numpy.broadcast_to(1., (*pts.shape[:-1], 1))), axis=-1)

        # carefully handle inf and nan
        isnan = numpy.bitwise_or.reduce(numpy.isnan(pts), axis=-1)

        with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            out = pts @ self.inner.T
            isinf = numpy.isnan(out[..., 0]) & ~isnan

            prod = numpy.multiply(self.inner, pts[isinf, None, :])

        # inf * 0 = 0
        prod[numpy.isnan(prod)] = 0.
        out[isinf] = numpy.sum(prod, axis=-1)

        return out[..., :3]

    __call__ = transform

    def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
        return self.to_linear().transform(vecs)

    def compose(self, other: AffineTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def compose(self, other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:

    def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
        """Compose this transformation with another."""
        if not isinstance(other, Transform3D):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected a Transform3D, got {type(other)}")
        if isinstance(other, LinearTransform3D):
            return self.compose(AffineTransform3D.from_linear(other))
        if isinstance(other, AffineTransform3D):
            return AffineTransform3D(other.inner @ self.inner)
        elif hasattr(other, '_rcompose'):
            return other._rcompose(self)  # type: ignore
            raise NotImplementedError()

    def conjugate(self, transform: AffineTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def conjugate(self, transform: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:

    def conjugate(self, transform: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
        Apply ``transform`` in the coordinate frame of ``self``.

        Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or :math:`T^-1 A T`
        return self.inverse() @ transform @ self

    def __matmul__(self, other: AffineTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def __matmul__(self, other: t.Union[Transform3D, ArrayLike, BBox3D]):  # type: ignore (spurious)
        """Compose this transformation, or apply it to a given set of points."""
        if isinstance(other, Transform3D):
            return other.compose(self)
        return self.transform(other)

inner instance-attribute

inner = broadcast_to(array, (4, 4))

make staticmethod

Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4).

Source code in atomlib/
def make(data: IntoTransform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4)."""
    if isinstance(data, Transform3D):
        return data
    if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(data, '__call__'):
        return FuncTransform3D(data)
    data = numpy.array(data)
    if data.shape == (3, 3):
        return LinearTransform3D(data)
    if data.shape == (4, 4):
        return AffineTransform3D(data)
    raise ValueError(f"Transform3D of invalid shape {data.shape}")

identity staticmethod

identity() -> AffineTransform3D

Return an identity transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def identity() -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Return an identity transformation."""
    return AffineTransform3D()


round_near_zero() -> Affine3DSelf

Round near-zero matrix elements in self.

Source code in atomlib/
def round_near_zero(self: Affine3DSelf) -> Affine3DSelf:
    """Round near-zero matrix elements in self."""
    return type(self)(
        numpy.where(numpy.abs(self.inner) < 1e-15, 0., self.inner)

from_linear staticmethod

from_linear(linear: LinearTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D

Make an affine transformation from a linear transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def from_linear(linear: LinearTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Make an affine transformation from a linear transformation."""
    dtype = linear.inner.dtype
    return AffineTransform3D(numpy.block([
        [linear.inner, numpy.zeros((3, 1), dtype=dtype)],
        [numpy.zeros((1, 3), dtype=dtype), numpy.ones((), dtype=dtype)]
    ]))  # type: ignore


to_linear() -> LinearTransform3D

Return the linear part of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def to_linear(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
    """Return the linear part of an affine transformation."""
    return LinearTransform3D(self.inner[:3, :3])


to_translation() -> AffineTransform3D

Extract the translation component of self, and return it.

Source code in atomlib/
def to_translation(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it."""
    return AffineTransform3D.translate(self.translation())


det() -> float

Return the determinant of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def det(self) -> float:
    """Return the determinant of an affine transformation."""
    return numpy.linalg.det(self.inner[:3, :3])


translation() -> ndarray

Extract the translation component of self, and return it as a vector.

Source code in atomlib/
def translation(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
    """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it as a vector."""
    return self.inner[:3, -1]


inverse() -> AffineTransform3D

Return the inverse of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def inverse(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Return the inverse of an affine transformation."""
    linear_inv = LinearTransform3D(self.inner[:3, :3]).inverse()
    # first undo translation, then undo linear transformation
    return linear_inv @ AffineTransform3D.translate(*-self.translation())


translate(x: VecLike) -> AffineTransform3D
    x: Num = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> AffineTransform3D
    x: Union[Num, VecLike] = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append an affine translation.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def translate(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append an affine translation.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    if isinstance(x, t.Sized) and len(x) > 1:
            (x, y, z) = to_vec3(x)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("translate() must be called with a sequence or three numbers.")

    if isinstance(self, LinearTransform3D):
        self = AffineTransform3D.from_linear(self)

    a = self.inner.copy()
    a[:3, -1] += [x, y, z]
    return AffineTransform3D(a)


    x: Num = 1.0,
    y: Num = 1.0,
    z: Num = 1.0,
    all: Num = 1.0
) -> AffineTransform3D
    x: Union[Num, VecLike] = 1.0,
    y: Num = 1.0,
    z: Num = 1.0,
    all: Num = 1.0
) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append a scaling transformation.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def scale(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
          all: Num = 1.) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append a scaling transformation.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.scale(x, y, z, all=all))  # type: ignore


rotate(v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append a rotation transformation of theta radians CCW around the given vector v.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def rotate(self, v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append a rotation transformation of `theta`
    radians CCW around the given vector `v`.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.rotate(v, theta))


    x: Num = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append a Euler rotation transformation. Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis. Values are specified in radians.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def rotate_euler(self, x: Num = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append a Euler rotation transformation.
    Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis.
    Values are specified in radians.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.rotate_euler(x, y, z))


mirror(a: VecLike) -> AffineTransform3D
mirror(a: Num, b: Num, c: Num) -> AffineTransform3D
    a: Union[Num, VecLike],
    b: Optional[Num] = None,
    c: Optional[Num] = None,
) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def mirror(self, a: t.Union[Num, VecLike],
           b: t.Optional[Num] = None,
           c: t.Optional[Num] = None) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.mirror(a, b, c))  # type: ignore


    strain: float,
    v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1),
    poisson: float = 0.0,
) -> AffineTransform3D

Apply a strain of strain in direction v, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

Strain is applied relative to the origin.

With poisson=0 (default), a uniaxial strain is applied. With poisson=-1, hydrostatic strain is applied. Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio poisson, which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def strain(self, strain: float, v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1), poisson: float = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Apply a strain of ``strain`` in direction ``v``, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

    Strain is applied relative to the origin.

    With ``poisson=0`` (default), a uniaxial strain is applied.
    With ``poisson=-1``, hydrostatic strain is applied.
    Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio `poisson`,
    which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.strain(strain, v, poisson))


align_standard() -> AffineTransform3D

Align self so v1 is in the x-axis and v2 is in the xy-plane.

This is equivalent to a \(QR\) decomposition which keeps only the right-triangular matrix \(R\).

For an affine transformation, this rotates the transformation around the global origin (including any transformation).

Source code in atomlib/
def align_standard(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Align `self` so `v1` is in the x-axis and `v2` is in the xy-plane.

    This is equivalent to a $QR$ decomposition which keeps only the
    right-triangular matrix $R$.

    For an affine transformation, this rotates the transformation
    around the global origin (including any transformation).
    if self.det() <= 0:
        raise ValueError("align_standard() requires a right-handed transformation")

    translation = self.translation()

    import scipy.linalg
    q, r = t.cast(t.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], scipy.linalg.qr(self.to_linear().inner))
    # qr unique up to the sign of the digonal
    # we choose the case where r is positive definite
    q = q * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())
    r = r * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())[:, None]
    assert numpy.linalg.det(r) > 0
    # we need to remove the rotation from the translation component as well
    # q is orthogonal, so q^-1 = q.T
    return LinearTransform3D(r).translate(q.T @ translation).round_near_zero()


transform(points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D
transform(points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
    points: Pts3DLike,
) -> Union[BBox3D, NDArray[floating]]

Transform points according to the given transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
    """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
    if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
        return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

    pts: NDArray[numpy.floating] = numpy.atleast_1d(points).astype(self.inner.dtype)
    pts = numpy.concatenate((points, numpy.broadcast_to(1., (*pts.shape[:-1], 1))), axis=-1)

    # carefully handle inf and nan
    isnan = numpy.bitwise_or.reduce(numpy.isnan(pts), axis=-1)

    with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        out = pts @ self.inner.T
        isinf = numpy.isnan(out[..., 0]) & ~isnan

        prod = numpy.multiply(self.inner, pts[isinf, None, :])

    # inf * 0 = 0
    prod[numpy.isnan(prod)] = 0.
    out[isinf] = numpy.sum(prod, axis=-1)

    return out[..., :3]


transform_vec(vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
Source code in atomlib/
def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
    return self.to_linear().transform(vecs)


compose(other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT
compose(other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D

Compose this transformation with another.

Source code in atomlib/
def compose(self, other: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Compose this transformation with another."""
    if not isinstance(other, Transform3D):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected a Transform3D, got {type(other)}")
    if isinstance(other, LinearTransform3D):
        return self.compose(AffineTransform3D.from_linear(other))
    if isinstance(other, AffineTransform3D):
        return AffineTransform3D(other.inner @ self.inner)
    elif hasattr(other, '_rcompose'):
        return other._rcompose(self)  # type: ignore
        raise NotImplementedError()


    transform: AffineTransform3D,
) -> AffineTransform3D
conjugate(transform: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT
conjugate(transform: Transform3D) -> Transform3D

Apply transform in the coordinate frame of self.

Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or :math:T^-1 A T

Source code in atomlib/
def conjugate(self, transform: Transform3D) -> Transform3D:
    Apply ``transform`` in the coordinate frame of ``self``.

    Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or :math:`T^-1 A T`
    return self.inverse() @ transform @ self


Bases: AffineTransform3D

Source code in atomlib/
class LinearTransform3D(AffineTransform3D):
    def __init__(self, array: t.Optional[ArrayLike] = None):
        if array is None:
            array = numpy.eye(3, dtype=numpy.float64)
        self.inner = numpy.broadcast_to(array, (3, 3))

    def T(self):
        return LinearTransform3D(self.inner.T)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"LinearTransform3D(\n{self.inner!r}\n)"

    def translation(self):
        """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it as a vector."""
        return numpy.zeros(3, dtype=self.inner.dtype)

    def identity() -> LinearTransform3D:
        """Return an identity transformation."""
        return LinearTransform3D()

    def det(self) -> float:
        """Return the determinant of an affine transformation."""
        return numpy.linalg.det(self.inner)

    def inverse(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        """Return the inverse of an affine transformation."""
        return LinearTransform3D(numpy.linalg.inv(self.inner))

    def to_linear(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        """Return the linear part of an affine transformation."""
        return self

    def is_diagonal(self, tol: float = 1e-10) -> bool:
        Return whether this transformation is diagonal (i.e. axis-aligned scaling only).
        d = self.inner.shape[0]
        p, q = self.inner.strides
        offdiag = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(self.inner[:, 1:], (d-1, d), (p+q, q))
        return bool((numpy.abs(offdiag) < tol).all())

    def is_normal(self, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        """Returns `True` if `self` is a normal matrix."""
        return bool(numpy.allclose(
            self.inner.T @ self.inner, self.inner @ self.inner.T,
            rtol=rtol, atol=atol

    def is_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        Returns `True` if `self` is an orthogonal matrix (i.e. a pure rotation or roto-reflection).
        return numpy.allclose(self.inner @ self.inner.T, numpy.eye(3), atol=tol)

    def is_scaled_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
        Returns `True` if `self` is a scaled orthogonal matrix (composed of orthogonal
        basis vectors, i.e. a scaling + a rotation or roto-reflection)
        return is_diagonal(self.inner @ self.inner.T, tol=tol)

    def mirror(cls, a: VecLike, /) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def mirror(cls, a: Num, b: Num, c: Num) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def mirror(self, a: t.Union[Num, VecLike],
               b: t.Optional[Num] = None,
               c: t.Optional[Num] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        if isinstance(a, t.Sized):
            v = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_to(a, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            if b is not None or c is not None:
                raise ValueError("mirror() must be passed a sequence or three numbers.")
            v = numpy.array([a, b, c], dtype=numpy.float64)
        v /= numpy.linalg.norm(v)
        mirror = numpy.eye(3) - 2 * numpy.outer(v, v)
        return LinearTransform3D(mirror @ self.inner)

    def strain(self, strain: float, v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1), poisson: float = 0.) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Apply a strain of ``strain`` in direction ``v``, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

        Strain is applied relative to the origin.

        With ``poisson=0`` (default), a uniaxial strain is applied.
        With ``poisson=-1``, hydrostatic strain is applied.
        Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio `poisson`,
        which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        shrink = (1 + strain) ** -poisson
        return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.align(v).conjugate(
                            LinearTransform3D.scale([shrink, shrink, 1. + strain])))

    def rotate(self, v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create or append a rotation transformation of `theta`
        radians CCW around the given vector `v`.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        theta = float(theta)
        v = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_to(v, (3,)), dtype=numpy.float64)
        l = numpy.linalg.norm(v)
        if numpy.isclose(l, 0.):
            if numpy.isclose(theta, 0.):
                # null rotation
                return self
            raise ValueError("rotate() about the zero vector is undefined.")
        v /= l

        # Rodrigues rotation formula
        w = numpy.array([[  0., -v[2],  v[1]],
                         [ v[2],   0., -v[0]],
                         [-v[1], v[0],   0.]], dtype=numpy.float64)
        # I + sin(t) W + (1 - cos(t)) W^2 = I + sin(t) W + 2*sin^2(t/2) W^2
        a = numpy.eye(3) + numpy.sin(theta) * w + 2 * (numpy.sin(theta / 2)**2) * w @ w
        return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)

    def rotate_euler(self, x: Num = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create or append a Euler rotation transformation.
        Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis.
        Values are specified in radians.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        angles = numpy.array([x, y, z], dtype=numpy.float64)
        c, s = numpy.cos(angles), numpy.sin(angles)
        a = numpy.array([
            [c[1]*c[2], s[0]*s[1]*c[2] - c[0]*s[2], c[0]*s[1]*c[2] + s[0]*s[2]],
            [c[1]*s[2], s[0]*s[1]*s[2] + c[0]*c[2], c[0]*s[1]*s[2] - s[0]*c[2]],
            [-s[1],     s[0]*c[1],                  c[0]*c[1]],
        ], dtype=numpy.float64)
        return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)

    def align(self, v1: VecLike, horz: t.Optional[VecLike] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create a transformation which transforms `v1` to align with [0, 0, 1].
        If `horz` is specified, it will be aligned in the direction of [1, 0, 0].

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        v1 = numpy.broadcast_to(v1, 3)
        v1 = v1 / numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
        if horz is None:
            if numpy.isclose(v1[0], 1.):
                # zone is [1., 0., 0.], choose a different direction
                horz = numpy.array([0., 1., 0.])
                horz = numpy.array([1., 0., 0.])
            horz = numpy.broadcast_to(horz, 3)

        return self.align_to(v1, [0., 0., 1.], horz, [1., 0., 0.])

    def align_to(cls, v1: VecLike, v2: VecLike, p1: t.Literal[None] = None, p2: t.Literal[None] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def align_to(cls, v1: VecLike, v2: VecLike, p1: VecLike, p2: VecLike) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def align_to(self, v1: VecLike, v2: VecLike,
                 p1: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, p2: t.Optional[VecLike] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create a transformation which transforms `v1` to align with `v2`.
        If specified, additionally ensure that `p1` aligns with `p2` in the plane of `v2`.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        v1 = numpy.broadcast_to(v1, 3)
        v1 = v1 / numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
        v2 = numpy.broadcast_to(v2, 3)
        v2 = v2 / numpy.linalg.norm(v2)

        v3 = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
        # rotate along v1 x v2 (geodesic rotation)
        theta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.linalg.norm(v3),, v2))
        if numpy.isclose(numpy.linalg.norm(v3), 0.):
            # any non-v1/v2 vector works. We choose the unit vector with largest cross product
            v3 = numpy.zeros_like(v3)
            v3[numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(v1))] = 1.

        aligned = self.rotate(v3, theta)

        if p1 is None and p2 is None:
            return aligned.round_near_zero()
        if p1 is None:
            raise ValueError("If `p2` is specified, `p1` must also be specified.")
        if p2 is None:
            raise ValueError("If `p1` is specified, `p2` must also be specified.")

        p1_align = aligned.transform(numpy.broadcast_to(p1, 3))
        p2 = numpy.broadcast_to(p2, 3)
        # components perpendicular to v2
        p2_perp = perp(p2, v2)
        p1_perp = perp(p1_align, v2)
        # now rotate along v2
        theta = numpy.arctan2(, numpy.cross(p1_perp, p2_perp)),, p2_perp))
        #theta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(p1_perp, p2_perp)),, p2_perp))
        return aligned.rotate(v2, theta).round_near_zero()

    def align_standard(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Align `self` so `v1` is in the x-axis and `v2` is in the xy-plane.

        This is equivalent to a $QR$ decomposition which keeps only the
        right-triangular matrix $R$.
        if self.det() <= 0:
            raise ValueError("align_standard() requires a right-handed transformation")

        import scipy.linalg
        _q, r = t.cast(t.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], scipy.linalg.qr(self.inner))
        # qr unique up to the sign of the digonal
        # we choose the case where r is positive definite
        r = r * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())[:, None]
        assert numpy.linalg.det(r) > 0  # check our work
        return LinearTransform3D(r).round_near_zero()

    def _orthogonal_axes(self, max_denom: int = 1000) -> NDArray[numpy.int_]:
        Given a linear transformation A, compute an optimal linear
        combination of basis vectors to form an orthogonal basis.

        More formally, returns a small integer matrix M such that A@M is normal.
        import scipy.linalg

        inv = self.inverse().inner
        r, _q = scipy.linalg.rq(inv)
        # rq unique up to the sign of the digonal
        r = r * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())

        int_r = numpy.array([reduce_vec(v, max_denom) for v in r.T]).T
        return int_r

    def scale(cls, x: VecLike, /) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def scale(cls, x: Num = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
              all: Num = 1.) -> LinearTransform3D:

    def scale(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
              all: Num = 1.) -> LinearTransform3D:
        Create or append a scaling transformation.

        Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
        if isinstance(x, t.Sized):
            v = numpy.broadcast_to(x, 3)
            if y != 1. or z != 1.:
                raise ValueError("scale() must be passed a sequence or three numbers.")
            v = numpy.array([x, y, z])

        a = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=self.inner.dtype)
        a[numpy.diag_indices(3)] = all * v
        return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)

    def conjugate(self, transform: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:  # type: ignore (spurious)
        Apply `transform` in the coordinate frame of `self`.

        Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or $T^{-1} A T$
        return self.inverse() @ self.compose(transform)

    def compose(self, other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:
        """Compose this transformation with another."""
        if isinstance(other, LinearTransform3D):
            return other.__class__(other.inner @ self.inner)
        if isinstance(other, AffineTransform3D):
            return AffineTransform3D.from_linear(self).compose(other)
        if not isinstance(other, Transform3D):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected a Transform3D, got {type(other)}")
        elif hasattr(other, '_rcompose'):
            return other._rcompose(self)  # type: ignore
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def transform(self, points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def transform(self, points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
        """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
        if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
            return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

        pts: NDArray[numpy.floating] = numpy.atleast_1d(points).astype(self.inner.dtype)
        if pts.shape[-1] != 3:
            raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__} works on 3d points only.")

        # carefully handle inf and nan
        isnan = numpy.bitwise_or.reduce(numpy.isnan(pts), axis=-1)

        with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            out = pts @ self.inner.T
            isinf = numpy.isnan(out[..., 0]) & ~isnan

            prod = numpy.multiply(self.inner, pts[isinf, None, :])

        # inf * 0 = 0
        prod[numpy.isnan(prod)] = 0.
        out[isinf] = numpy.sum(prod, axis=-1)

        return out

    def __matmul__(self, other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:

    def __matmul__(self, other: BBox3D) -> BBox3D:

    def __matmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:

    def __matmul__(self, other: t.Union[Transform3D, ArrayLike, BBox3D]) -> t.Union[Transform3D, NDArray[numpy.floating], BBox3D]:
        """Compose this transformation, or apply it to a given set of points."""
        if isinstance(other, Transform3D):
            return other.compose(self)
        return self.transform(other)

inner instance-attribute

inner = broadcast_to(array, (3, 3))

make staticmethod

Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4).

Source code in atomlib/
def make(data: IntoTransform3D) -> Transform3D:
    """Make a transformation from a function or numpy array (3x3 or 4x4)."""
    if isinstance(data, Transform3D):
        return data
    if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) and hasattr(data, '__call__'):
        return FuncTransform3D(data)
    data = numpy.array(data)
    if data.shape == (3, 3):
        return LinearTransform3D(data)
    if data.shape == (4, 4):
        return AffineTransform3D(data)
    raise ValueError(f"Transform3D of invalid shape {data.shape}")


transform_vec(vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
Source code in atomlib/
def transform_vec(self, vecs: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
    return self.to_linear().transform(vecs)


round_near_zero() -> Affine3DSelf

Round near-zero matrix elements in self.

Source code in atomlib/
def round_near_zero(self: Affine3DSelf) -> Affine3DSelf:
    """Round near-zero matrix elements in self."""
    return type(self)(
        numpy.where(numpy.abs(self.inner) < 1e-15, 0., self.inner)

from_linear staticmethod

from_linear(linear: LinearTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D

Make an affine transformation from a linear transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def from_linear(linear: LinearTransform3D) -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Make an affine transformation from a linear transformation."""
    dtype = linear.inner.dtype
    return AffineTransform3D(numpy.block([
        [linear.inner, numpy.zeros((3, 1), dtype=dtype)],
        [numpy.zeros((1, 3), dtype=dtype), numpy.ones((), dtype=dtype)]
    ]))  # type: ignore


to_translation() -> AffineTransform3D

Extract the translation component of self, and return it.

Source code in atomlib/
def to_translation(self) -> AffineTransform3D:
    """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it."""
    return AffineTransform3D.translate(self.translation())


translate(x: VecLike) -> AffineTransform3D
    x: Num = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> AffineTransform3D
    x: Union[Num, VecLike] = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> AffineTransform3D

Create or append an affine translation.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def translate(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> AffineTransform3D:
    Create or append an affine translation.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    if isinstance(x, t.Sized) and len(x) > 1:
            (x, y, z) = to_vec3(x)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("translate() must be called with a sequence or three numbers.")

    if isinstance(self, LinearTransform3D):
        self = AffineTransform3D.from_linear(self)

    a = self.inner.copy()
    a[:3, -1] += [x, y, z]
    return AffineTransform3D(a)



Extract the translation component of self, and return it as a vector.

Source code in atomlib/
def translation(self):
    """Extract the translation component of `self`, and return it as a vector."""
    return numpy.zeros(3, dtype=self.inner.dtype)

identity staticmethod

identity() -> LinearTransform3D

Return an identity transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def identity() -> LinearTransform3D:
    """Return an identity transformation."""
    return LinearTransform3D()


det() -> float

Return the determinant of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def det(self) -> float:
    """Return the determinant of an affine transformation."""
    return numpy.linalg.det(self.inner)


inverse() -> LinearTransform3D

Return the inverse of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def inverse(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
    """Return the inverse of an affine transformation."""
    return LinearTransform3D(numpy.linalg.inv(self.inner))


to_linear() -> LinearTransform3D

Return the linear part of an affine transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def to_linear(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
    """Return the linear part of an affine transformation."""
    return self


is_diagonal(tol: float = 1e-10) -> bool

Return whether this transformation is diagonal (i.e. axis-aligned scaling only).

Source code in atomlib/
def is_diagonal(self, tol: float = 1e-10) -> bool:
    Return whether this transformation is diagonal (i.e. axis-aligned scaling only).
    d = self.inner.shape[0]
    p, q = self.inner.strides
    offdiag = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(self.inner[:, 1:], (d-1, d), (p+q, q))
    return bool((numpy.abs(offdiag) < tol).all())


is_normal(rtol: float = 1e-05, atol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns True if self is a normal matrix.

Source code in atomlib/
def is_normal(self, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    """Returns `True` if `self` is a normal matrix."""
    return bool(numpy.allclose(
        self.inner.T @ self.inner, self.inner @ self.inner.T,
        rtol=rtol, atol=atol


is_orthogonal(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns True if self is an orthogonal matrix (i.e. a pure rotation or roto-reflection).

Source code in atomlib/
def is_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    Returns `True` if `self` is an orthogonal matrix (i.e. a pure rotation or roto-reflection).
    return numpy.allclose(self.inner @ self.inner.T, numpy.eye(3), atol=tol)


is_scaled_orthogonal(tol: float = 1e-08) -> bool

Returns True if self is a scaled orthogonal matrix (composed of orthogonal basis vectors, i.e. a scaling + a rotation or roto-reflection)

Source code in atomlib/
def is_scaled_orthogonal(self, tol: float = 1e-8) -> bool:
    Returns `True` if `self` is a scaled orthogonal matrix (composed of orthogonal
    basis vectors, i.e. a scaling + a rotation or roto-reflection)
    return is_diagonal(self.inner @ self.inner.T, tol=tol)


mirror(a: VecLike) -> LinearTransform3D
mirror(a: Num, b: Num, c: Num) -> LinearTransform3D
    a: Union[Num, VecLike],
    b: Optional[Num] = None,
    c: Optional[Num] = None,
) -> LinearTransform3D

Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def mirror(self, a: t.Union[Num, VecLike],
           b: t.Optional[Num] = None,
           c: t.Optional[Num] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create or append a mirror transformation across the given plane.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    if isinstance(a, t.Sized):
        v = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_to(a, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if b is not None or c is not None:
            raise ValueError("mirror() must be passed a sequence or three numbers.")
        v = numpy.array([a, b, c], dtype=numpy.float64)
    v /= numpy.linalg.norm(v)
    mirror = numpy.eye(3) - 2 * numpy.outer(v, v)
    return LinearTransform3D(mirror @ self.inner)


    strain: float,
    v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1),
    poisson: float = 0.0,
) -> LinearTransform3D

Apply a strain of strain in direction v, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

Strain is applied relative to the origin.

With poisson=0 (default), a uniaxial strain is applied. With poisson=-1, hydrostatic strain is applied. Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio poisson, which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def strain(self, strain: float, v: VecLike = (0, 0, 1), poisson: float = 0.) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Apply a strain of ``strain`` in direction ``v``, assuming an elastically isotropic material.

    Strain is applied relative to the origin.

    With ``poisson=0`` (default), a uniaxial strain is applied.
    With ``poisson=-1``, hydrostatic strain is applied.
    Otherwise, a uniaxial stress is applied for a material with Poisson ratio `poisson`,
    which results in shrinkage perpendicular to the direction strain is applied.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    shrink = (1 + strain) ** -poisson
    return self.compose(LinearTransform3D.align(v).conjugate(
                        LinearTransform3D.scale([shrink, shrink, 1. + strain])))


rotate(v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> LinearTransform3D

Create or append a rotation transformation of theta radians CCW around the given vector v.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def rotate(self, v: VecLike, theta: Num) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create or append a rotation transformation of `theta`
    radians CCW around the given vector `v`.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    theta = float(theta)
    v = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_to(v, (3,)), dtype=numpy.float64)
    l = numpy.linalg.norm(v)
    if numpy.isclose(l, 0.):
        if numpy.isclose(theta, 0.):
            # null rotation
            return self
        raise ValueError("rotate() about the zero vector is undefined.")
    v /= l

    # Rodrigues rotation formula
    w = numpy.array([[  0., -v[2],  v[1]],
                     [ v[2],   0., -v[0]],
                     [-v[1], v[0],   0.]], dtype=numpy.float64)
    # I + sin(t) W + (1 - cos(t)) W^2 = I + sin(t) W + 2*sin^2(t/2) W^2
    a = numpy.eye(3) + numpy.sin(theta) * w + 2 * (numpy.sin(theta / 2)**2) * w @ w
    return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)


    x: Num = 0.0, y: Num = 0.0, z: Num = 0.0
) -> LinearTransform3D

Create or append a Euler rotation transformation. Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis. Values are specified in radians.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def rotate_euler(self, x: Num = 0., y: Num = 0., z: Num = 0.) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create or append a Euler rotation transformation.
    Rotation is performed on the x axis first, then y axis and z axis.
    Values are specified in radians.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    angles = numpy.array([x, y, z], dtype=numpy.float64)
    c, s = numpy.cos(angles), numpy.sin(angles)
    a = numpy.array([
        [c[1]*c[2], s[0]*s[1]*c[2] - c[0]*s[2], c[0]*s[1]*c[2] + s[0]*s[2]],
        [c[1]*s[2], s[0]*s[1]*s[2] + c[0]*c[2], c[0]*s[1]*s[2] - s[0]*c[2]],
        [-s[1],     s[0]*c[1],                  c[0]*c[1]],
    ], dtype=numpy.float64)
    return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)


    v1: VecLike, horz: Optional[VecLike] = None
) -> LinearTransform3D

Create a transformation which transforms v1 to align with [0, 0, 1]. If horz is specified, it will be aligned in the direction of [1, 0, 0].

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def align(self, v1: VecLike, horz: t.Optional[VecLike] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create a transformation which transforms `v1` to align with [0, 0, 1].
    If `horz` is specified, it will be aligned in the direction of [1, 0, 0].

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    v1 = numpy.broadcast_to(v1, 3)
    v1 = v1 / numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
    if horz is None:
        if numpy.isclose(v1[0], 1.):
            # zone is [1., 0., 0.], choose a different direction
            horz = numpy.array([0., 1., 0.])
            horz = numpy.array([1., 0., 0.])
        horz = numpy.broadcast_to(horz, 3)

    return self.align_to(v1, [0., 0., 1.], horz, [1., 0., 0.])


    v1: VecLike,
    v2: VecLike,
    p1: Literal[None] = None,
    p2: Literal[None] = None,
) -> LinearTransform3D
    v1: VecLike, v2: VecLike, p1: VecLike, p2: VecLike
) -> LinearTransform3D
    v1: VecLike,
    v2: VecLike,
    p1: Optional[VecLike] = None,
    p2: Optional[VecLike] = None,
) -> LinearTransform3D

Create a transformation which transforms v1 to align with v2. If specified, additionally ensure that p1 aligns with p2 in the plane of v2.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def align_to(self, v1: VecLike, v2: VecLike,
             p1: t.Optional[VecLike] = None, p2: t.Optional[VecLike] = None) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create a transformation which transforms `v1` to align with `v2`.
    If specified, additionally ensure that `p1` aligns with `p2` in the plane of `v2`.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    v1 = numpy.broadcast_to(v1, 3)
    v1 = v1 / numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
    v2 = numpy.broadcast_to(v2, 3)
    v2 = v2 / numpy.linalg.norm(v2)

    v3 = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
    # rotate along v1 x v2 (geodesic rotation)
    theta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.linalg.norm(v3),, v2))
    if numpy.isclose(numpy.linalg.norm(v3), 0.):
        # any non-v1/v2 vector works. We choose the unit vector with largest cross product
        v3 = numpy.zeros_like(v3)
        v3[numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(v1))] = 1.

    aligned = self.rotate(v3, theta)

    if p1 is None and p2 is None:
        return aligned.round_near_zero()
    if p1 is None:
        raise ValueError("If `p2` is specified, `p1` must also be specified.")
    if p2 is None:
        raise ValueError("If `p1` is specified, `p2` must also be specified.")

    p1_align = aligned.transform(numpy.broadcast_to(p1, 3))
    p2 = numpy.broadcast_to(p2, 3)
    # components perpendicular to v2
    p2_perp = perp(p2, v2)
    p1_perp = perp(p1_align, v2)
    # now rotate along v2
    theta = numpy.arctan2(, numpy.cross(p1_perp, p2_perp)),, p2_perp))
    #theta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(p1_perp, p2_perp)),, p2_perp))
    return aligned.rotate(v2, theta).round_near_zero()


align_standard() -> LinearTransform3D

Align self so v1 is in the x-axis and v2 is in the xy-plane.

This is equivalent to a \(QR\) decomposition which keeps only the right-triangular matrix \(R\).

Source code in atomlib/
def align_standard(self) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Align `self` so `v1` is in the x-axis and `v2` is in the xy-plane.

    This is equivalent to a $QR$ decomposition which keeps only the
    right-triangular matrix $R$.
    if self.det() <= 0:
        raise ValueError("align_standard() requires a right-handed transformation")

    import scipy.linalg
    _q, r = t.cast(t.Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray], scipy.linalg.qr(self.inner))
    # qr unique up to the sign of the digonal
    # we choose the case where r is positive definite
    r = r * numpy.sign(r.diagonal())[:, None]
    assert numpy.linalg.det(r) > 0  # check our work
    return LinearTransform3D(r).round_near_zero()


    x: Num = 1.0,
    y: Num = 1.0,
    z: Num = 1.0,
    all: Num = 1.0
) -> LinearTransform3D
    x: Union[Num, VecLike] = 1.0,
    y: Num = 1.0,
    z: Num = 1.0,
    all: Num = 1.0
) -> LinearTransform3D

Create or append a scaling transformation.

Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.

Source code in atomlib/
def scale(self, x: t.Union[Num, VecLike] = 1., y: Num = 1., z: Num = 1., *,
          all: Num = 1.) -> LinearTransform3D:
    Create or append a scaling transformation.

    Can be called as a classmethod or instance method.
    if isinstance(x, t.Sized):
        v = numpy.broadcast_to(x, 3)
        if y != 1. or z != 1.:
            raise ValueError("scale() must be passed a sequence or three numbers.")
        v = numpy.array([x, y, z])

    a = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=self.inner.dtype)
    a[numpy.diag_indices(3)] = all * v
    return LinearTransform3D(a @ self.inner)


conjugate(transform: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT

Apply transform in the coordinate frame of self.

Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or \(T^{-1} A T\)

Source code in atomlib/
def conjugate(self, transform: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:  # type: ignore (spurious)
    Apply `transform` in the coordinate frame of `self`.

    Equivalent to an (inverse) conjugation in group theory, or $T^{-1} A T$
    return self.inverse() @ self.compose(transform)


compose(other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT

Compose this transformation with another.

Source code in atomlib/
def compose(self, other: Transform3DT) -> Transform3DT:
    """Compose this transformation with another."""
    if isinstance(other, LinearTransform3D):
        return other.__class__(other.inner @ self.inner)
    if isinstance(other, AffineTransform3D):
        return AffineTransform3D.from_linear(self).compose(other)
    if not isinstance(other, Transform3D):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected a Transform3D, got {type(other)}")
    elif hasattr(other, '_rcompose'):
        return other._rcompose(self)  # type: ignore
    raise NotImplementedError()


transform(points: BBox3D) -> BBox3D
transform(points: ArrayLike) -> NDArray[floating]
    points: Pts3DLike,
) -> Union[BBox3D, NDArray[floating]]

Transform points according to the given transformation.

Source code in atomlib/
def transform(self, points: Pts3DLike) -> t.Union[BBox3D, NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
    """Transform points according to the given transformation."""
    if isinstance(points, BBox3D):
        return points.from_pts(self.transform(points.corners()))

    pts: NDArray[numpy.floating] = numpy.atleast_1d(points).astype(self.inner.dtype)
    if pts.shape[-1] != 3:
        raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__} works on 3d points only.")

    # carefully handle inf and nan
    isnan = numpy.bitwise_or.reduce(numpy.isnan(pts), axis=-1)

    with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        out = pts @ self.inner.T
        isinf = numpy.isnan(out[..., 0]) & ~isnan

        prod = numpy.multiply(self.inner, pts[isinf, None, :])

    # inf * 0 = 0
    prod[numpy.isnan(prod)] = 0.
    out[isinf] = numpy.sum(prod, axis=-1)

    return out