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V2 module-attribute

V2 = TypeVar('V2')

WSPACE_RE module-attribute

WSPACE_RE = compile('\\s+')

NUMERIC_OPS module-attribute

NUMERIC_OPS: Sequence[Op[SupportsNum]] = [
    BinaryOrUnaryOp(["-"], sub, False, 5),
    BinaryOp(["+"], add, 5),
    BinaryOp(["*"], mul, 6),
    BinaryOp(["/"], truediv, 6),
    BinaryOp(["//"], floordiv, 6),
    BinaryOp(["^", "**"], pow, 7),

NUMERIC_PARSER module-attribute

NUMERIC_PARSER = Parser(NUMERIC_OPS, parse_numeric)

BOOLEAN_OPS module-attribute

BOOLEAN_OPS: Sequence[Op[SupportsBool]] = [
    BinaryOp(["=", "=="], eq, 3),
    BinaryOp(["!=", "<>"], ne, 3),
    BinaryOp(["|", "||"], or_, 4),
    BinaryOp(["&", "&&"], and_, 5),
    BinaryOp(["^"], xor, 6),
    UnaryOp(["!", "~"], invert),

BOOLEAN_PARSER module-attribute

BOOLEAN_PARSER = Parser(BOOLEAN_OPS, parse_boolean)

Parser for boolean expressions ([1 || false && true])

VECTOR_OPS module-attribute

VECTOR_OPS: Sequence[Op[ndarray]] = [
    *cast(Op[ndarray], op)
    for op in NUMERIC_OPS,
    NaryOp([","], call=stack, precedence=3),

VECTOR_PARSER module-attribute

    VECTOR_OPS, lambda v: array(parse_numeric(v))


Bases: Protocol, Generic[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class VariadicCallable(t.Protocol, t.Generic[V]):
    def __call__(self, *args: V) -> V:

Op dataclass

Bases: ABC, Generic[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class Op(ABC, t.Generic[V]):
    aliases: t.List[str]
    call: t.Callable = field(repr=False)

    def requires_whitespace(self) -> bool:

aliases instance-attribute

aliases: List[str]

call class-attribute instance-attribute

call: Callable = field(repr=False)

requires_whitespace abstractmethod property

requires_whitespace: bool

NaryOp dataclass

Bases: Op[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class NaryOp(Op[V]):
    call: VariadicCallable[V] = field(repr=False)  # type: ignore
    precedence: int = 5
    requires_whitespace: bool = False  # type: ignore

    def __call__(self, *args: V) -> V:

    def precedes(self, other: t.Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, (BinaryOp, NaryOp)):
            other = other.precedence

        # default to lower precedence for Nary
        return self.precedence > other

aliases instance-attribute

aliases: List[str]

call class-attribute instance-attribute

call: VariadicCallable[V] = field(repr=False)

precedence class-attribute instance-attribute

precedence: int = 5

requires_whitespace class-attribute instance-attribute

requires_whitespace: bool = False


precedes(other: Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool
Source code in atomlib/
def precedes(self, other: t.Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool:
    if isinstance(other, (BinaryOp, NaryOp)):
        other = other.precedence

    # default to lower precedence for Nary
    return self.precedence > other

BinaryOp dataclass

Bases: Op[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class BinaryOp(Op[V]):
    call: t.Callable[[V, V], V] = field(repr=False)  # type: ignore
    precedence: int = 5
    right_assoc: bool = False
    requires_whitespace: bool = False  # type: ignore

    def __call__(self, lhs: V, rhs: V) -> V:
        return, rhs)

    def precedes(self, other: t.Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool:
        """Returns true if self is higher precedence than other.
        Handles a tie using the associativity of self.
        if isinstance(other, (BinaryOp, NaryOp)):
            other = other.precedence

        if self.precedence == other:
            return self.right_assoc
        return self.precedence > other

aliases instance-attribute

aliases: List[str]

call class-attribute instance-attribute

call: Callable[[V, V], V] = field(repr=False)

precedence class-attribute instance-attribute

precedence: int = 5

right_assoc class-attribute instance-attribute

right_assoc: bool = False

requires_whitespace class-attribute instance-attribute

requires_whitespace: bool = False


precedes(other: Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool

Returns true if self is higher precedence than other. Handles a tie using the associativity of self.

Source code in atomlib/
def precedes(self, other: t.Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool:
    """Returns true if self is higher precedence than other.
    Handles a tie using the associativity of self.
    if isinstance(other, (BinaryOp, NaryOp)):
        other = other.precedence

    if self.precedence == other:
        return self.right_assoc
    return self.precedence > other

UnaryOp dataclass

Bases: Op[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class UnaryOp(Op[V]):
    call: t.Callable[[V], V] = field(repr=False)  # type: ignore
    requires_whitespace: bool = False  # type: ignore

    def __call__(self, inner: V) -> V:

aliases instance-attribute

aliases: List[str]

call class-attribute instance-attribute

call: Callable[[V], V] = field(repr=False)

requires_whitespace class-attribute instance-attribute

requires_whitespace: bool = False

BinaryOrUnaryOp dataclass

Bases: BinaryOp[V], UnaryOp[V]

Source code in atomlib/
class BinaryOrUnaryOp(BinaryOp[V], UnaryOp[V]):
    call: t.Callable[[V, t.Optional[V]], V] = field(repr=False)  # type: ignore

    def __call__(self, lhs: V, rhs: t.Optional[V] = None) -> V:
        return, rhs)

aliases instance-attribute

aliases: List[str]

requires_whitespace class-attribute instance-attribute

requires_whitespace: bool = False

precedence class-attribute instance-attribute

precedence: int = 5

right_assoc class-attribute instance-attribute

right_assoc: bool = False

call class-attribute instance-attribute

call: Callable[[V, Optional[V]], V] = field(repr=False)


precedes(other: Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool

Returns true if self is higher precedence than other. Handles a tie using the associativity of self.

Source code in atomlib/
def precedes(self, other: t.Union[BinaryOp, NaryOp, int]) -> bool:
    """Returns true if self is higher precedence than other.
    Handles a tie using the associativity of self.
    if isinstance(other, (BinaryOp, NaryOp)):
        other = other.precedence

    if self.precedence == other:
        return self.right_assoc
    return self.precedence > other

Token dataclass

Bases: ABC, Generic[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class Token(ABC, t.Generic[T_co, V]):
    raw: str
    line: int
    span: t.Tuple[int, int]

    def __str__(self):
        return self.raw

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

OpToken dataclass

Bases: Token[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class OpToken(Token[T_co, V]):
    op: Op[V]

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

op instance-attribute

op: Op[V]

GroupOpenToken dataclass

Bases: Token

Source code in atomlib/
class GroupOpenToken(Token):

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

GroupCloseToken dataclass

Bases: Token

Source code in atomlib/
class GroupCloseToken(Token):

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

WhitespaceToken dataclass

Bases: Token

Source code in atomlib/
class WhitespaceToken(Token):

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

ValueToken dataclass

Bases: Token[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class ValueToken(Token[T_co, V]):
    val: T_co

raw instance-attribute

raw: str

line instance-attribute

line: int

span instance-attribute

span: Tuple[int, int]

val instance-attribute

val: T_co


Bases: ABC, Generic[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class Expr(ABC, t.Generic[T_co, V]):
    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.format()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:

eval abstractmethod

eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:

format abstractmethod

    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:

UnaryExpr dataclass

Bases: Expr[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class UnaryExpr(Expr[T_co, V]):
    op_token: OpToken[T_co, V]
    op: UnaryOp[V] = field(init=False)
    inner: Expr[T_co, V]
    lspace: str = ""

    def __post_init__(self):
        if not isinstance(self.op_token.op, UnaryOp):
            raise TypeError()
        self.op = self.op_token.op

    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
        return f"{self.lspace}{format_op(self.op_token)}{self.inner.format(format_scalar, format_op)}"

op_token instance-attribute

op_token: OpToken[T_co, V]

op class-attribute instance-attribute

op: UnaryOp[V] = field(init=False)

inner instance-attribute

inner: Expr[T_co, V]

lspace class-attribute instance-attribute

lspace: str = ''


eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:


    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
    return f"{self.lspace}{format_op(self.op_token)}{self.inner.format(format_scalar, format_op)}"

BinaryExpr dataclass

Bases: Expr[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class BinaryExpr(Expr[T_co, V]):
    op_token: OpToken[T_co, V]
    op: BinaryOp[V] = field(init=False)
    lhs: Expr[T_co, V]
    rhs: Expr[T_co, V]

    def __post_init__(self):
        if not isinstance(self.op_token.op, BinaryOp):
            raise TypeError()
        self.op = self.op_token.op

    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
        return, self.rhs.eval(map_f))

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
        return f"{self.lhs.format(format_scalar, format_op)}{format_op(self.op_token)}{self.rhs.format(format_scalar, format_op)}"

op_token instance-attribute

op_token: OpToken[T_co, V]

op class-attribute instance-attribute

op: BinaryOp[V] = field(init=False)

lhs instance-attribute

lhs: Expr[T_co, V]

rhs instance-attribute

rhs: Expr[T_co, V]


eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
    return, self.rhs.eval(map_f))


    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
    return f"{self.lhs.format(format_scalar, format_op)}{format_op(self.op_token)}{self.rhs.format(format_scalar, format_op)}"

NaryExpr dataclass

Bases: Expr[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class NaryExpr(Expr[T_co, V]):
    op_tokens: t.Sequence[OpToken[T_co, V]]
    op: NaryOp[V] = field(init=False)
    args: t.Sequence[Expr[T_co, V]]
    rspace: str = ""

    def __post_init__(self):
        op = next(token.op for token in self.op_tokens)
        if not all(token.op == op for token in self.op_tokens[1:]):
            raise ValueError("All `op`s must be identical inside a NaryExpr")
        if not isinstance(op, NaryOp):
            raise TypeError()
        self.op = op

        assert len(self.op_tokens) == len(self.args) - 1

    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
        return*map(lambda expr: expr.eval(map_f), self.args))

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
        return "".join(interleave(
            map(lambda expr: expr.format(format_scalar, format_op), self.args),
            map(format_op, self.op_tokens)
        )) + self.rspace

op_tokens instance-attribute

op_tokens: Sequence[OpToken[T_co, V]]

op class-attribute instance-attribute

op: NaryOp[V] = field(init=False)

args instance-attribute

args: Sequence[Expr[T_co, V]]

rspace class-attribute instance-attribute

rspace: str = ''


eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
    return*map(lambda expr: expr.eval(map_f), self.args))


    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
    return "".join(interleave(
        map(lambda expr: expr.format(format_scalar, format_op), self.args),
        map(format_op, self.op_tokens)
    )) + self.rspace

GroupExpr dataclass

Bases: Expr[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class GroupExpr(Expr[T_co, V]):
    open: GroupOpenToken
    inner: Expr[T_co, V]
    close: GroupCloseToken
    lspace: str = ""
    rspace: str = ""

    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
        return self.inner.eval(map_f)

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
        return f"{self.lspace}{}{self.inner.format(format_scalar, format_op)}{self.close}{self.rspace}"

open instance-attribute

inner instance-attribute

inner: Expr[T_co, V]

close instance-attribute

lspace class-attribute instance-attribute

lspace: str = ''

rspace class-attribute instance-attribute

rspace: str = ''


eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
    return self.inner.eval(map_f)


    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
    return f"{self.lspace}{}{self.inner.format(format_scalar, format_op)}{self.close}{self.rspace}"

ValueExpr dataclass

Bases: Expr[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class ValueExpr(Expr[T_co, V]):
    token: ValueToken[T_co, V]
    lspace: str = ""
    rspace: str = ""

    def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
        return map_f(self.token.val)

    def format(self,
               format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
               format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
        return f"{self.lspace}{format_scalar(self.token)}{self.rspace}"

token instance-attribute

token: ValueToken[T_co, V]

lspace class-attribute instance-attribute

lspace: str = ''

rspace class-attribute instance-attribute

rspace: str = ''


eval(map_f: Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V
Source code in atomlib/
def eval(self, map_f: t.Callable[[T_co], V]) -> V:
    return map_f(self.token.val)


    format_scalar: Callable[
        [ValueToken[T_co, V]], str
    ] = str,
    format_op: Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
) -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def format(self,
           format_scalar: t.Callable[[ValueToken[T_co, V]], str] = str,
           format_op: t.Callable[[OpToken[T_co, V]], str] = str) -> str:
    return f"{self.lspace}{format_scalar(self.token)}{self.rspace}"

Parser dataclass

Bases: Generic[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class Parser(t.Generic[T_co, V]):
    parse_scalar: t.Callable[[str], T_co]
    ops: t.Dict[str, Op[V]]
    group_open: t.Dict[str, int]
    group_close: t.Dict[str, int]

    token_re: re.Pattern = field(init=False)
    """Regex matching operators, brackets, and whitespace"""

    def __init__(self: Parser[str, V2], ops: t.Sequence[Op[V2]],
                 parse_scalar: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str], str]] = None,
                 groups: t.Optional[t.Sequence[t.Tuple[str, str]]] = None):

    def __init__(self: Parser[T, V2], ops: t.Sequence[Op[V2]],
                 parse_scalar: t.Callable[[str], T],
                 groups: t.Optional[t.Sequence[t.Tuple[str, str]]] = None):

    def __init__(self, ops: t.Sequence[Op[V]],
                 parse_scalar: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str], t.Union[str, T_co]]] = None,
                 groups: t.Optional[t.Sequence[t.Tuple[str, str]]] = None):
        self.parse_scalar = t.cast(t.Callable[[str], T_co], parse_scalar or (lambda s: s))

        if groups is None:
            groups = [('(', ')'), ('[', ']')]

        match_dict: t.Dict[str, t.Optional[Op[V]]] = {}

        self.group_open = {}
        self.group_close = {}
        for (i, (group_open, group_close)) in enumerate(groups):
            if group_open in match_dict:
                raise ValueError(f"Group open token '{group_open}' already defined")
            if group_close in match_dict:
                raise ValueError(f"Group close token '{group_close}' already defined")
            self.group_open[group_open] = i
            self.group_close[group_close] = i
            match_dict[group_open] = None
            match_dict[group_close] = None

        nary_precedences = set()
        for op in ops:
            if isinstance(op, NaryOp):
                if op.precedence in nary_precedences:
                    raise ValueError("N-ary operators must have distinct precedences. "
                                     f"Precedence {op.precedence} conflicts with {op!r}")
            for alias in op.aliases:
                if alias in match_dict:
                    raise ValueError(f"Alias '{alias}' already defined")
                match_dict[alias] = op

        match_list = list(match_dict.items())
        match_list.sort(key=lambda a: -len(a[0]))  #longer operators match first
        self.ops = {k: v for (k, v) in match_list if v is not None}

        def op_to_regex(tup: t.Tuple[str, t.Optional[Op[V]]]):
            alias, op = tup
            s = re.escape(alias)  #escape operator for use in regex
            if op is not None and op.requires_whitespace:
                #assert operator must be surrounded by whitespace
                s = r"(?<=\s){}(?=\s)".format(s)
            return s

        op_alternation = "|".join(map(op_to_regex, match_list))
        self.token_re = re.compile(f"(\\s+|{op_alternation})")

    def parse(self, reader: TextIOBase) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
        state = ParseState(self, reader)
        expr = state.parse_expr()
        if not state.empty():
            raise ValueError(f"At {state.line}:{state.char}, expected binary operator or end of expression, instead got token {state.peek()}")
        return expr

parse_scalar instance-attribute

parse_scalar: Callable[[str], T_co] = cast(Callable[[str], T_co], parse_scalar or lambda s: s)

group_open instance-attribute

group_open: Dict[str, int] = {}

group_close instance-attribute

group_close: Dict[str, int] = {}

ops instance-attribute

ops: Dict[str, Op[V]] = {k: _Gfor (k, v) in match_list if v is not None}

token_re class-attribute instance-attribute

token_re: Pattern = compile(f'(\s+|{op_alternation})')

Regex matching operators, brackets, and whitespace


parse(reader: TextIOBase) -> Expr[T_co, V]
Source code in atomlib/
def parse(self, reader: TextIOBase) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
    state = ParseState(self, reader)
    expr = state.parse_expr()
    if not state.empty():
        raise ValueError(f"At {state.line}:{state.char}, expected binary operator or end of expression, instead got token {state.peek()}")
    return expr


Bases: Generic[T_co, V]

Source code in atomlib/
class ParseState(t.Generic[T_co, V]):
    def __init__(self, parser: Parser[T_co, V], reader: TextIOBase):
        self.parser: Parser[T_co, V] = parser
        self._reader = reader
        self._buf: t.Optional[str] = None
        self._peek: t.List[Token[T_co, V]] = []
        self.line = 0
        self.char = 1

    def empty(self) -> bool:
        return self.peek() is None

    def _get_buf(self) -> t.Optional[str]:
        if self._buf is not None:
            return self._buf
            self._buf = next(self._reader)
            self.line += 1
            self.char = 1
        except StopIteration:
        return self._buf

    def _refill_peek(self):
        if len(self._peek) > 0:
            buf = next(self._reader)
            self.line += 1
            self.char = 1
        except StopIteration:
            return None
        if buf is None or len(buf) == 0:  # type: ignore
            return None

        split = self.parser.token_re.split(buf)
        for s in split:
            if len(s) == 0:
            span = (self.char, self.char + len(s))
            self.char += len(s)
            self._peek.append(self.make_token(s, self.line, span))


    def peek(self) -> t.Optional[Token[T_co, V]]:
        return self._peek[-1] if len(self._peek) > 0 else None

    def collect_wspace(self) -> str:
        wspace = ""
        while True:
            token = self.peek()
            if not isinstance(token, WhitespaceToken):
            wspace += token.raw
        return wspace

    def make_token(self, s: str, line: int, span: t.Tuple[int, int]) -> Token[T_co, V]:
        if s in self.parser.group_open:
            return GroupOpenToken(s, line, span)
        if s in self.parser.group_close:
            return GroupCloseToken(s, line, span)
        if s in self.parser.ops:
            return OpToken(s, line, span, self.parser.ops[s])
        if WSPACE_RE.fullmatch(s):
            return WhitespaceToken(s, line, span)

            return ValueToken(s, line, span, self.parser.parse_scalar(s))
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise ValueError(f"Syntax error at {line}:{span[0]}: Unexpected token '{s}'") from None

    def next(self) -> t.Optional[Token[T_co, V]]:
        token = self.peek()
        if token is not None:
        return token

    def parse_expr(self) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
            EXPR := PRIMARY, [ BINARY ]
        lhs = self.parse_primary()
        return self.parse_nary(lhs)

    def parse_nary(self, lhs: Expr[T_co, V], level: t.Optional[int] = None) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
            NARY := { BINARY_OP | NARY_OP, ( PRIMARY, ? higher precedence NARY ? ) }
        logging.debug(f"parse_nary({lhs}, level={level})")
        token = self.peek()
        logging.debug(f"token: '{token!r}'")

        while token is not None:
            if not isinstance(token, OpToken) or \
               not isinstance(token.op, (NaryOp, BinaryOp)):

            if level is not None and not token.op.precedes(level):
                # next op has lower precedence, it needs to be parsed at a higher level

            rhs = self.parse_primary()
            logging.debug(f"rhs: '{rhs}'")

            inner = self.peek()
            if inner is not None and isinstance(inner, OpToken):
                inner_op = inner.op
                if isinstance(inner_op, (NaryOp, BinaryOp)) and \
                    #rhs is actually lhs of an inner expression
                    rhs = self.parse_nary(rhs, token.op.precedence)

            # append rhs to lhs and loop
            if isinstance(token.op, NaryOp):
                if isinstance(lhs, NaryExpr) and token.op == lhs.op:
                    # append to existing n-ary node
                    lhs = NaryExpr(list(lhs.op_tokens) + [token], list(lhs.args) + [rhs])
                    # make new n-ary expression
                    lhs = NaryExpr([token], [lhs, rhs])
                # or make binary expression
                lhs = BinaryExpr(token, lhs, rhs)

            token = self.peek()

        return lhs

    def parse_primary(self) -> Expr[T_co, V]:

        lspace = self.collect_wspace()
        token = self.peek()
        logging.debug(f"token: '{token!r}'")
        if token is None:
            raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF while parsing expression")

        if isinstance(token, GroupOpenToken):
            inner = self.parse_expr()
            close =
            rspace = self.collect_wspace()
            if close is None:
                raise ValueError(f"Unclosed delimeter '{token.raw}' opened at {token.line}:{token.span[0]}")
            if not isinstance(close, GroupCloseToken):
                raise ValueError(f"At {close.line}:{close.span[0]}: Expected operator or group close, instead got '{close.raw}'")
            if self.parser.group_open[token.raw] != self.parser.group_close[close.raw]:
                raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}-{close.span[1]}: Mismatched delimeters: '{token.raw}' closed with '{close.raw}'")
            return GroupExpr(token, inner, close, lspace, rspace)

        if isinstance(token, GroupCloseToken):
            raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}: Unexpected delimeter '{token.raw.strip()}'")

        if isinstance(token, OpToken):
            if not isinstance(token.op, UnaryOp):
                raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}: Unexpected operator '{token.raw}'. Expected a value or prefix operator.")
            inner = self.parse_primary()
            return UnaryExpr(token, inner, lspace)

        if isinstance(token, ValueToken):
            rspace = self.collect_wspace()
            return ValueExpr(token, lspace, rspace)

        raise TypeError(f"Unknown token type '{type(token)}'")

parser instance-attribute

parser: Parser[T_co, V] = parser

line instance-attribute

line = 0

char instance-attribute

char = 1


empty() -> bool
Source code in atomlib/
def empty(self) -> bool:
    return self.peek() is None


peek() -> Optional[Token[T_co, V]]
Source code in atomlib/
def peek(self) -> t.Optional[Token[T_co, V]]:
    return self._peek[-1] if len(self._peek) > 0 else None


collect_wspace() -> str
Source code in atomlib/
def collect_wspace(self) -> str:
    wspace = ""
    while True:
        token = self.peek()
        if not isinstance(token, WhitespaceToken):
        wspace += token.raw
    return wspace


    s: str, line: int, span: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Token[T_co, V]
Source code in atomlib/
def make_token(self, s: str, line: int, span: t.Tuple[int, int]) -> Token[T_co, V]:
    if s in self.parser.group_open:
        return GroupOpenToken(s, line, span)
    if s in self.parser.group_close:
        return GroupCloseToken(s, line, span)
    if s in self.parser.ops:
        return OpToken(s, line, span, self.parser.ops[s])
    if WSPACE_RE.fullmatch(s):
        return WhitespaceToken(s, line, span)

        return ValueToken(s, line, span, self.parser.parse_scalar(s))
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        raise ValueError(f"Syntax error at {line}:{span[0]}: Unexpected token '{s}'") from None


next() -> Optional[Token[T_co, V]]
Source code in atomlib/
def next(self) -> t.Optional[Token[T_co, V]]:
    token = self.peek()
    if token is not None:
    return token


parse_expr() -> Expr[T_co, V]


Source code in atomlib/
def parse_expr(self) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
        EXPR := PRIMARY, [ BINARY ]
    lhs = self.parse_primary()
    return self.parse_nary(lhs)


    lhs: Expr[T_co, V], level: Optional[int] = None
) -> Expr[T_co, V]

NARY := { BINARY_OP | NARY_OP, ( PRIMARY, ? higher precedence NARY ? ) }

Source code in atomlib/
def parse_nary(self, lhs: Expr[T_co, V], level: t.Optional[int] = None) -> Expr[T_co, V]:
        NARY := { BINARY_OP | NARY_OP, ( PRIMARY, ? higher precedence NARY ? ) }
    logging.debug(f"parse_nary({lhs}, level={level})")
    token = self.peek()
    logging.debug(f"token: '{token!r}'")

    while token is not None:
        if not isinstance(token, OpToken) or \
           not isinstance(token.op, (NaryOp, BinaryOp)):

        if level is not None and not token.op.precedes(level):
            # next op has lower precedence, it needs to be parsed at a higher level
        rhs = self.parse_primary()
        logging.debug(f"rhs: '{rhs}'")

        inner = self.peek()
        if inner is not None and isinstance(inner, OpToken):
            inner_op = inner.op
            if isinstance(inner_op, (NaryOp, BinaryOp)) and \
                #rhs is actually lhs of an inner expression
                rhs = self.parse_nary(rhs, token.op.precedence)

        # append rhs to lhs and loop
        if isinstance(token.op, NaryOp):
            if isinstance(lhs, NaryExpr) and token.op == lhs.op:
                # append to existing n-ary node
                lhs = NaryExpr(list(lhs.op_tokens) + [token], list(lhs.args) + [rhs])
                # make new n-ary expression
                lhs = NaryExpr([token], [lhs, rhs])
            # or make binary expression
            lhs = BinaryExpr(token, lhs, rhs)

        token = self.peek()

    return lhs


parse_primary() -> Expr[T_co, V]


Source code in atomlib/
def parse_primary(self) -> Expr[T_co, V]:

    lspace = self.collect_wspace()
    token = self.peek()
    logging.debug(f"token: '{token!r}'")
    if token is None:
        raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF while parsing expression")

    if isinstance(token, GroupOpenToken):
        inner = self.parse_expr()
        close =
        rspace = self.collect_wspace()
        if close is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Unclosed delimeter '{token.raw}' opened at {token.line}:{token.span[0]}")
        if not isinstance(close, GroupCloseToken):
            raise ValueError(f"At {close.line}:{close.span[0]}: Expected operator or group close, instead got '{close.raw}'")
        if self.parser.group_open[token.raw] != self.parser.group_close[close.raw]:
            raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}-{close.span[1]}: Mismatched delimeters: '{token.raw}' closed with '{close.raw}'")
        return GroupExpr(token, inner, close, lspace, rspace)

    if isinstance(token, GroupCloseToken):
        raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}: Unexpected delimeter '{token.raw.strip()}'")

    if isinstance(token, OpToken):
        if not isinstance(token.op, UnaryOp):
            raise ValueError(f"At {token.line}:{token.span[0]}: Unexpected operator '{token.raw}'. Expected a value or prefix operator.")
        inner = self.parse_primary()
        return UnaryExpr(token, inner, lspace)

    if isinstance(token, ValueToken):
        rspace = self.collect_wspace()
        return ValueExpr(token, lspace, rspace)

    raise TypeError(f"Unknown token type '{type(token)}'")


Bases: Protocol

Source code in atomlib/
class SupportsBool(t.Protocol):
    def __and__(self: SupportsBoolSelf, other: SupportsBoolSelf) -> SupportsBoolSelf:

    def __or__(self: SupportsBoolSelf, other: SupportsBoolSelf) -> SupportsBoolSelf:

    def __xor__(self: SupportsBoolSelf, other: SupportsBoolSelf) -> SupportsBoolSelf:

    def __invert__(self: SupportsBoolSelf) -> SupportsBoolSelf:


Bases: Protocol

Source code in atomlib/
class SupportsNum(t.Protocol):
    def __add__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __sub__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __mul__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __truediv__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __floordiv__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __mod__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __pow__(self: SupportsNumSelf, other: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __neg__(self: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:

    def __pos__(self: SupportsNumSelf) -> SupportsNumSelf:


    l1: Iterable[T_co], l2: Iterable[T_co]
) -> Iterator[T_co]
Source code in atomlib/
def interleave(l1: t.Iterable[T_co], l2: t.Iterable[T_co]) -> t.Iterator[T_co]:
    for (v1, v2) in zip_longest(l1, l2):
        yield v1
        if v2 is not None:
            yield v2


parse_numeric(s: str) -> Union[int, float]
Source code in atomlib/
def parse_numeric(s: str) -> t.Union[int, float]:
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
    return float(s)


sub(lhs: SupportsNum, rhs: Optional[SupportsNum] = None)
Source code in atomlib/
def sub(lhs: SupportsNum, rhs: t.Optional[SupportsNum] = None):
    if rhs is None:
        return -lhs
    return lhs-rhs


add(lhs: SupportsNum, rhs: Optional[SupportsNum] = None)
Source code in atomlib/
def add(lhs: SupportsNum, rhs: t.Optional[SupportsNum] = None):
    if rhs is None:
        return +lhs
    return lhs+rhs


parse_boolean(s: str) -> bool
Source code in atomlib/
def parse_boolean(s: str) -> bool:
    if s.lower() in ("0", "false", "f"):
        return False
    elif s.lower() in ("1", "true", "t"):
        return True
    raise ValueError(f"Can't parse '{s}' as boolean")


stack(*vs: ndarray) -> ndarray
Source code in atomlib/
def stack(*vs: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
    return numpy.stack(vs, axis=0)